7 minutes ago in Florida, USA! Cars and people stranded, flash floods in Cape Coral

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7 minutes ago in Florida, USA! Cars and people stranded, flash floods in Cape Coral

The bad weather and heavy rain that occurred in Florida on Monday caused flooding to hit many areas. Streets are flooding in Cape Coral, North Fort Myers, and Fort Myers after neighborhoods received several inches of rain during Monday afternoon storms.

According to the media, all of South Cape is flooded. Chiquita Boulevard, Embers Parkway, Burnt Store Road, and Nicholas Parkway are underwater.

Cape Coral, Captiva, Sanibel, Babcock Ranch, Fort Myers and Lehigh Acres are among the areas under thunderstorm and flood warnings.

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  1. When the Almighty God doing his works he knows what is going wrong for him to correct in his own way we all leave wondering what's going on but the Bible predicted about signs and wander around the world pay attention and we gonna notice all the signs fulfilling earthquake ,storms ,drought and ect.

  2. يمكن القول ، من خلال هذا الفيديو و أمثاله مما يحدث في مختلف دول العالم ، أن النظرية المسماة بنظرية الفوضى ، أو تأثير الفراشة butterfly effect هي نظرية صحيحة . لكن ليس بسبب ضرب الفراشة باجنحتها في اليابان يحدث نتيجة لذلك إعصار في أمريكا . نعم قد يكون ذلك تفسيرا عندما قصفت أمريكا هيروشيما و نكازاكي لكن مر الزمن على هذا و لا يمكن لنظرية تتحدث عن السبب و النتيجةcause à effet أن تفسره .. و لكن بسبب الإعتداء و الظلم في غزة و القصف في اليمن يؤدي ذلك بحسب تأثير الفراشة butterfly effect إلى إعصار و فيضانات و زلزال و بلدان مدفونة تحت الثلج خاصة في الولايات المتحدة. و الغرب عموما الداعم لاسراءيل في اعتداءاتها و ظلمها و قصفها لغزة . و كل الدول التي تذهب في نفس هذا المنحى . نحن نتحدث عن الأنظمة أما الشعوب فإنها مع الفلسطينيين و
    قضيتهم العادلة . سيقول لي شعوب المناطق المتضررة . لسنا نحن من فعل هذا و لكن حكوماتنا و إداراتنا . نقول لهم ألستم تقولون أنكم ديمقراطيات. و ما تفعله حكوماتكم هو تعبير لما تريدونه . أليست الديمقراطية هي حكم الشعب لنفسه بنفسه ؟ فليست حكوماتكم هي التي تفعل بل أنتم الذين تفعلون ذلك بواسطة حكوماتكم . أليست تلك هي الديمقراطية ؟ (و اتقوا فتنة لا تصيبن الذين ظلموا منكم ، خاصة) .

  3. لا اله الا الله يملا السماوات والارض لله الملك الكبير الحي القيوأم ألقاهر ألقهار القواي المتين ألقاهر

  4. Second coming of Christ is within. Heaven or Kingdom of God(Inconceivable, Void, formless one, mystic law, who don't want nor need worship but want love/humanity as only religion) a heaven can be this earth or state of mind. Kingdom of God means no king, no slave, no rich, no poor, no leaders (religious and political), no wealth but shared earth, no army no military,no ministry but Non-violence, oppose wrong, love/humanity is only religion, true knowledge/science/tech non harmful, grow thing in small neighbour,helping each other.

    Many Christ came in name of Kabir,nanak,mahavir,Buddha, Rumi,Bulleh Shah, Saint Gyaneshwar, Lao Tzu ,etc but teaching was love and is love and avoid bad(where there is no possibility of love/understanding).

    Resurrection is to bring dead mind to higher consciousness. 

    There is only one religion which is love, non-violence,help each other, help needy, no to greed/ego/pride and avoid those where there is no possibility of love. And it's only messege of Jesus and many messengers of love

    No worship can save but good deeds only.

    Try to live Jesus lived as example and it's true meaning.

  5. Der arme Biden, auch Russland hat das Recht Waffen zu produzieren und zu beziehen. Nicht nur die Ukraine mit Waffen aus der Nato, damit die Nato die Ukraine kaufen kann, aber noch sind ja ein paar Einnahmen durch den Verkauf von Waffen vorhanden ha ha ha Mr. Biden

  6. Jesus has arrived to rectify the abhorrent state present in these nations. Do not permit sinful individuals to trick you into altering the way God designed you. God is infallible, but our thoughts can be easily influenced by others. Humans are prone to errors and are only here by God's mercy, yet they persist in disrespecting God and the world He has bestowed upon us, this paradise we are unworthy of. The devastation we have inflicted upon His magnificent sentient creatures and the environment is an abomination in its own right.

  7. You are not God's.

    You can no more change the climate of this or any planet in the 10 years we have left that you can change your God given gender. LGBTQ is a depopulation program.

    The mystery of the 7 crossings of our stars magnetic equator Jesus held in his hand is causing these the birthing pains of this the millennium of climate change end times.

    The first of Noah's tidal wave deluges won't be pulled out & around the planet east to west by the new moon until the first of 19 major conjunctions of mercury & venus in 2033 & every 40 years thereafter.

    Otherwise known as magnetic north, Mayan calendar, Yugas, Long march, The Great Year, Precession of our stars millennial Alpha/Omega equinoxes when earth's orbits eclipse the electromagnetic gravitational equator separating the two fermie cells of it's OOrt cloud mangetospehre for the next 1,000 years.

    If you think there is more than one race of humans you are a racist by definition & not a born again Christian who sees all of God's children as a child of God does. Divide & Conquer tactic.

    Repent, deny yourself & take up your millennial cross & follow Jesus to have life & life more abundantly.

  8. That's a strong cold front. How I know, because here Belize is the same thing here, but in the US it's far more worse than Belize. Nothing to compared to the US.😉👍😟

  9. C'est une commencement vous paierai tout ce que vous avez fait à la nature et à nos ancêtres noirs
    Nous vous regardons seulement

    Vous ( l'occident) et les traîtres noires dans le même marmite

  10. Seluruh dunia musibah terus karena di tempat saya di langit Aceh Utara serambi Makkah bintang sama bintang bersatu bintang sama bulan bersatu kemudian bintang loncat loncat siapa yg akan muncul nabi Isa atau imam Mahdi atau ke 2nya yg penting kuatkan iman dan Islam kasih dan sayang kesesama mahkluk ciptaan nya Allah yg mahaberkuasa smg insya Allah hidup berkah aamiin trmks bumi air api angin sudah kurang bersahabat dengan kita thanks for your from abuneuk cek roek tv

  11. በጎሳም ሆነ በንኡስ ጎሳ፣ በሀይማኖትም፣ ሆነ በአምልኮ፣ በአካባቢም ሆነ በሌላ እንደ ሌሎች በውስጡ መከፋፈልም ሆነ መለያየት የሌለበት ጥንታዊ፣ ታሪካዊ፣ ታላቅ፣ ትልቅ፣ ስብእና የተላበሰ፣ ሰላማዊ ከሆነ ከማንም ጋር ወዳጅ የሆነ፣ ውለታ የማይረሳና በአለም አሉ ከሚባሉ ጥንታዊ ህዝቦች ውስጥ አንዱ የሆነን የአማራን ስነልቦና የማያውቅ ብቻ ነው ሰው በላው አራዊት ኦነጋዊ ኦህዴድ የዲያሎስ ስብስብ አማራን እያረደ፣ እየበላ፣ እየ|ጨፈጨፈ፣ ቤት እያፈረሰ፣ እያወደመ፣ እየዘረፈ፣ እያፈናቀለ፣. እያሰረ፣ እያገተና በሚሆነው አራዊታዊ እሱነቱ እየሆነ የእሱን ወንጀል በሀገር ላይ ለማስቀጠል አማራ ከአማራ ጋር ይዋጋል ብሎ የሚያስብ፡፡

    በ4 ነገዶች ማለትም 4 የተለያዩ ብሄረሰቦች መሆን በሚገባቸው ነገዶች፣ በ29 ጎሳዎች፣ በብዙ ንኡስ ጎሳዎች፣ በአምልኮ፣ በሀይማኖት፣ በአካባቢና በሌላም በወረራ ከመጣ ጀምሮ የተለያየ፣ የተከፋፈለና አጼ ምኒልክ እስከሚያስቆሙት ድረስ እርስ በእርስ ሲበላላና ሲጨራረሳ የኖረ ጋላ/ኦሮሞ እንጂ ሌላው ግን ሰላማዊ የሆነ፣ አብሮ መኖር የሚፈልግና የሚችል፣ ስብእና ያለው ህዝባዊና ሀገራዊ ነው፡፡

    አንዳንድ ከተማዎችንና መንገዶች እንጂ 95 በመቶ የህወሀት አማራን ክልል መሬት የሚቆጣጠር ግን ፋኖ ነው፡፡ ህዝቡ ከፋኖ ጋር ነው፡፡ ሚሊሻም ሆነ ሌላው ሆዳም ባንዳ በፈቃዱ ከፋኖ ጋር የሚቀላቀል ሲሆን ይህን የማያደረግ ሆዳም ባንዳ በቀለሉ አመድ የሚሆን ነው፡፡ በአጭሩ ሰው በላው አራዊት ኦነጋዊ ኦህዴድ አክትሞለታል፡፡ በዚህ ምንም ጥርጥር የለም፡፡ ወንበር አስጠባቂው ወራዳ ወንጀለኛ መከላከያ ተብዮ ስሙ እንጂ በቁምናም ሆነ በባህሪ የለም፡፡ በተለይም ራሱን ለማትረፍ አሁኑ ከአማራ ጠቅልሎ ካልጣ ፈራርሶና ተበታትኖ በተቋ|ም ደረጃ ከነስሙ ሙሉ በሙሉ የሚጠፋ ነው፡፡

  12. በየመንደሩ፣ በየቀበሌው፣ በየከተማው፣ በየሰፈሩ፣ በየወረዳውና በመላ አማራ የሚገኝን የጠላት ቅጥረኛና ተላላኪ ሆዳም ባንዳ ፖሊስ፣ ሚሊሻ፣ አድማ ብተና፣ ሰላይና ማንኛውም የ|ጠላት ተባባሪ የሆነ ሁሉም ኢላማ ሆኖ አ|የታደነ በጭካኔ መደምሰስ እና አማራ ከዚህ ቆሻሻ ውስጣዊ ጠላት በቶሎና በትክክል የጸደና የነጻ መሆን አለበት፡፡ ህዝቡ በባንዳ ላይ መነሳት አለበት፡፡

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