2 minutes ago in Japan! M7.6 earthquake and tsunami destroyed buildings in Ishikawa

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2 minutes ago in Japan! M7.6 earthquake and tsunami destroyed buildings in Ishikawa

A major tsunami warning has been issued in Japan’s Ishikawa prefecture, Japan’s national broadcaster reported, after a series of earthquakes with an initial magnitude of 7.6 on the Richter scale hit the western region of the country.

The Japan Meteorological Agency also issued a tsunami warning along the coastal areas of Niigata and Toyama prefectures.

The broadcaster reported that a tsunami as high as 1.2 meters reached the town of Wajima in Ishikawa and another tsunami as high as 40cm was recorded in the city of Kashizawaki.

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  1. My thoughts & prayers are with Japan❤ . I sincerely hope that people who are effected by natural disaster are supported by their Government and emergency rescue provisions have been enacted urgently to prevent further declining to building infrastructures🌻 & protecting human lives 🌻. Stay safe everyone 🌻

  2. Политика японского правительства направленная против России всякий раз приводит либо к цунами либо к жутким землетрясениям.

  3. Amamos todos japonês amém florimar PB ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  4. Questa è la giusta punizione per il supporto a Israele🇮🇱🏯🏯🏯🏯⚰️⚰️⚰️⚰️⚰️⚰️👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

  5. My heart goes out to the people of Ishikawa prefecture. I hope everyone is safe. What a terrifying way to start the year.

    It would have been better had the video not been flipped around!

  6. Imagine em dias normais qquer pessoa necessitada ou nao, entrar nessa loja semi destruida e pedir um desses objetos aquele de maior necessidade,prato por ex, duvido q dariam, agora o terremoto destroi tudo, q aprendamos, nada e nosso.

  7. Воткак спускать ядерные отходы в океан ,земля это живой организм и все помнит кто с ней поступает отвратитнльно грязно❤❤

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  9. 新年早々に大きな地震があって心配です。今後の余震、津波、火事が無事に沈静化して 一刻も平穏なお正月に戻ってほしいです。被災された皆様の ご無事をお祈りしております。

  10. Сочувствуую японцам. У диктора такой радостный голос, что пальцем у виска покрутить хочется

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