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About the Author: Akimbo


  1. Wow narrator, u must live in North Korea or really love communism! Here's hoping karma comes back on you for your views on these non complying Americans to the lady who was completely beaten and it wasn't just a speeding ticket! Yes, sweet karma needs to reach you…2023 people hating the constitution and our God given rightS!

  2. The good thing about wearing masks for some creeps is, you can easily separate & identify the spinless & brain dead followers from the ones who can still use their own brain cells 👻😂

  3. Just for the record, anyone who thinks wearing a mask protects you from C19 is desperately mistaken. It's like trying to stop mosquitos with a chain link fence. PSA from your friendly healthcare provider.

  4. No one told AKIMBO. That masks actually does nothing to prevent the spread so he called a person a non mask wearing keren? Foolish .
    Cause what keren i see are demanding us to wear a mask the affraid left .
    The left always afraid of losing s election so i wonder what virus or Zombie virus is for november 2024 .
    Never fails every election year its .
    1 some kind of virus .
    2 All black lives matter and we democrats are here to help you baby .
    3 then after the election its to hell with you for the next four years .

    Anyone care to debate all i just said please do.

  5. Imagine still believing that the mask karens were the ones who refused to wear them now in 2023/2024… AFTER THE TOPIC HAS UNDISPUTIBLY ENDED AND IT TURNS OUT MASKS DID NOTHING.
    Akimbo, you are a true credit to kid fuckers. i know what you are now.

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