Family Adventures with The Croods, Brave & The Mitchells (Commentary Compilation)

Family Adventures with The Croods, Brave & The Mitchells (Commentary Compilation)
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The Croods movie commentary reaction 0:46
Brave movie commentary 1:07:20
The Mitchells Vs. The Machines movie commentary reaction 1:52:36

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  1. 2:24:50

    several "fun" facts

    1. possums rarely get rabies due to their low body temps being unsuitable to the virus

    2. if you get bit by an animal that theres ANY chance of having rabies, if you cant have the animal immediately tested to make sure it wasnt rabid, for the love of god GO TO THE HOSPITAL TO GET THE RABIES VACCINE. the moment you actually show ANY SYMPTOMS of rabies, you are dead. there is no cure, only 1 person has survived rabies with any sort of quality of life and she is considered a fluke. for all intents and purposes, the treatment they used on her will NOT WORK. at best you would be left a vegetable. rabies is a slow, horrific, CERTAIN death.

    rabies is no joke.

  2. I enjoyed all these movies and the brave movie controversy did confuse me cause I just looked at it as a mom and daughter growing up/ coming of age but for the mom and daughter lol so idk why people got made cause when I get together with the boys we act stupid and wild so it’s accurate to most guy friends groups

  3. 1:43:52 They told us right at the start he doesn't believe in magic.
    Iron rule of good storytelling- nothing is ever brought up unless it's going to be mentioned again later. Even if it's just a case of a main character noticing a tree near a bus-stop half way through the story and then noticing it again at the end of the story.

  4. I still say an additional bonus of her giving herself and the three sons of the lords a say in who they might marry is that they all basically owe her (big time), and that that could be a good way to secure an oath of loyalty to her when she becomes queen and they become the lords of their respective clans.

  5. 14:41:19 Don't worry, I found that one at least – he said "It's just nae (not) fair, making us fight for the hand of a quain (I'm not sure how you spell it but whatever he said means 'girl') that doesnae (doesn't) want a bit of it, ken ("know" as in "you know")?"

  6. 1:37:07 Merida asked for a spell that would change her mum convinced that that would change her fate of being married off. The prince asked for a spell that would give him the strength of ten men convinced that that would change his fate of being denied what he believed was rightfully his (to rule the kingdom solely without his brothers against the wishes of their father).

  7. More people should talk about the Mitchells. I loved how Katie and Rick eventually grew to understand each other, and it was wonderful that they causally mentioned that she was gay, by mentioning her girlfriend, showing that it's no big deal.

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