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About the Author: TheDC Shorts


  1. I just saw this now!
    >>>Shockingly in a twist of events, the woman would be found dead at a property in Georgia, police say she was responsible for ending her own life, others say she may have been murdered.

  2. 1. Why did this video ever get posted to the general public? In very poor taste and a waste of taxpayer dollars.
    2. She should have never admitted anything or allowed them to search her bag.
    3. What kind of a prude called the police about this in the first place? Doesn't sound like it was intentionally done in front of masses of people. Use it as a teaching moment if your kids are curious. My goodness…probably some sexually frustrated married couple that could each use a good orgasm with said bullet vibrator found in the pack.

    Total bollocks.

  3. This is just sad. The embarrassment of being confronted about this is bad enough, but to actually be arrested and paraded around would be humiliating. Then, to top it off, we hear she committed suicide afterwards, making me question the reasonableness of the law.

  4. Really…..I mean who gives a sh*t! So what if she was…did it hurt anyone…so somebody was offended…what's going to happen? With all the horrible things going on in the world and we're worried about a lady having an orgasm on a beach….good for her. Perhaps it we all had more orgasms on the beach life would be a little less complicated.

  5. Ngl there was alot of what she said that could have not been said but uk shit happens

    Also yall did her dirty why yall show her face now ppl knows good thing this didn't get a 1m views

  6. they know they did not have to arrest that lady or even bother her when they didnt see or catch her, and its bad that now she will be humiliated as this video follows her and possibly have sex crime on her record

  7. Wouldn't it be so hypocritical if she was in fact being so subtle that only someone with experience could have recognized what she was doing?

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