UFC Champ Sean Strickland STREET FIGHTS with White African!

UFC Champ Sean Strickland STREET FIGHTS with White African!
Spread The Viralist

Was the trash talk taken too far?!


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About the Author: CrowderBits


  1. Actually Colby's trash talk works fine. He's a huge draw or at least was until this last fight. He'll still be a huge draw next time I'm sure. Stickland attacked two fighters wifes that very press conference. His abusive father is fair game especially since he brought it up anyway. DDP is the biggest draw right now. He's not a trash talker but whatever he says always hurts – just ask Izzy or Sean.

  2. Strickland was an amusingly refreshing reprieve from Adesanya for a month or two but tbh the caveman shtick was getting tiresome already before this WWE-style clowning. He's grunted & cussed his way into a dead end, character wise. Egged on by Nina, the guy cracked so many jokes about his own f*ed up relationship with his father, it got to be like listening to a carnival barker, and now he's pretending to be offended that what he keeps going on about gets referenced? Does he think the whole audience for MMA is 10 years old?

    I will say, though, it's pretty impressive how long he's able to maintain that Randy Savage voice impression without a break. It must be murder on his larynx.

  3. I've said, since 2005, that Social Media will destroy this country and humanity. That is why I don't subscribe to You*tube, X, Tic*Toc*, Insta*gram, etc.

  4. Trash talking dosent give you a leg up it just pisses off your opponent and gives them fuel. May work in a street fight were the other person may get scared and walk away but these guys have no choice but to fight once they sign the contract

  5. Dricus is in his head and Sean is butthurt because he thinks he's only who can trash talk others. Strickland tells how he wants to kill person or a fighter in front of children and argues with random people showing his road rage is ok? He also said that kids needs to be whooped by dads. He first talked about O'Malley's wife although he was talking before like he never does that. Also mocked Khalil's depression

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