This crow seems convinced he’s a tiny human

This crow seems convinced he's a tiny human
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Elderly crow thinks he’s a tiny human

#crows #bekind #animals

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  1. How about 6 generation's of crow & magpies living next to each other & the males take turns minding the two families, while the other's go hunting. This is during spring. And I've seen one of the magpies & crows going for a walk together in the evenings catching insects in the high grass. And even one of the wilde rabbits hangs around with these two. They all take care of each other especially when theres a hawk around.

  2. It looks more like a Magpie. They are the ones that look like crows but have the white tank'top looking white on them. They maybe related but yes, this is a magpie. I saw them in Frankfurt Germany when I went over there.

  3. That an average sizes of Birds can actually attack and seriously injured a Lady like her nor any Human being, I'm glad the birds are loyal on her

  4. i hope that so many peoples see this video and think about there!.. Animals not only a anouther species.. they are very similiar to us.. and our Friends..!! because: We all creatures of This Planet

  5. Your crow looks really smart and talkative. It looks like a cute bird. You should be someone he trusts and won't fly away even without a harness on his legs. He's cute. He probably respects you and likes being with you all the time.

  6. Well, you pet him for that time…thats why he cant survive the wildlife. You treat him like a dog/human/whatever…so its a part of your behaivour, he cant be a free Bird… Be honest and strict and he will find his way. The nature will do the job. Thumbs down for people like you who think animals are toys to create content….

  7. We have a family of crows that have lived on our homestead for many years. They know when supper time is for the wildlife and are present for their portion. I often would be in the yard and hear the crows talking to each other and heard an owl amongst their group. I thought that was pretty odd so I looked up to the crows having this crows talk and owl talk. Come to find out one of crows was mimicking an owl. Ha he really stands out in the group. I wonder if he knows that. The rest of the crows have just accepted him.

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