The Hidden Story of King George V’s Death – Royal Murder Mysteries – S01 EP03 – History Documentary

The Hidden Story of King George V's Death - Royal Murder Mysteries - S01 EP03 - History Documentary
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This episode uncovers the hidden story of King George V’s death, revealing shocking truths kept secret for over 50 years. The people of Great Britain mourned their beloved monarch, unaware that his death was far from natural. As the official story told of a peaceful passing due to lung disease, a hidden diary of King George’s doctor came to light in 1986, suggesting a bold decision to end the king’s life prematurely. This revelation raises unsettling questions about the cause of his death, the potential involvement of his physician in another royal’s demise, and the reasons behind this historic act of regicide. Discover the true story of King George V’s life, his role during the war, his health struggles, and the controversial circumstances of his death in this gripping episode.


Royal Murder Mysteries delves into the enigmatic murder cases involving notable royalty from Russia, Germany, Kenya, and Great Britain. With a multidisciplinary approach, the series unites historians, pathologists, forensic scientists, and contemporary detectives. They meticulously examine evidence and employ advanced CGI, along with vivid reconstructions, to offer fresh insights and theories. The show is a blend of historical depth and modern investigative techniques, presenting not only the facts but also the implications of each case in a riveting, contemporary, and engaging manner.


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  1. Funny? Or am I being picky? At 26:18 Dawson's wife uses a Touch Tone Phone with plastic buttons. It's the 1940's. Excellent documentary though. I enjoyed it.
    However: "On November 18, 1963, the first electronic push-button system with touch-tone dialing was commercially offered by Bell Telephone Company."

  2. What we know now in the post-Covid era, with euthanasia increasingly been seen as socially and morally acceptable in some quarters, the death of the previous king in 1952, Queen Mary’s death and even Queen Elizabeth’s death, along with Prince Philip, Queen Mother & Princess Margaret’s deaths, we now have to question every account that we have been told and re-examine all the evidence that remains

  3. The disastrous reign of the Edwardians under Edward VIII, with thier hedonistic attitudes and dereliction of duty, that both during the long reign of Queen Victoria, her husband Prince Albert and short reign of her uncle King William IV, had carefully constructed, via the rebuilding of the conquest, safety, security and stability of empire, as well as the Industrial Revolution, in order to partially restore the reputation and standing of the monarchy, following the disastrous and extravagant and hedonistic reign of George IV, the Edwardians had unwittingly and indirectly caused the conditions to arise which led to the eventual causes of WW1

  4. Let me get this straight – George V who died in 1936, was the husband of Queen Mary (formerly Princess May of Teck, who had married Queen Victoria’s second eldest son or grandson) and George V was the son or grandson of Edward VII (Bertie), whose wife was Queen Alexandra (formerly of Denmark)

  5. This is how my mother died. She had a rare lung disease that caused scarring of the lungs and eventually the lung tissue becomes unable to transfer oxygen into the blood stream, and when that happens, the bodies reaction is to gasp for more air, a panicking and gasping uncontrollably as a natural response to not enough oxygen in the blood. The doctor explained to us how this would be mitigated. Increasing dosages of morphine to keep her from the gasping and panic and pain that goes with it. At a certain point, the patient isn't getting enough oxygen to keep the body alive and the patient dies. It's not euthanasia, it's treating symptoms of a disease, and that leads to a patients death. This still happens today to help patients avoid great panic, and pain.

  6. An a Whitelock is delusional to conclude Dawson was just helping. It is "only a few hours" . what about the family? To be with a loved one when they pass is important & a matter of love. No one has that right to take that away. Do your research look at the requirements of the royal doctors & treatment. Obvious she did none of this but makes a reach calling herself a "HISTORIAN" . LOSER.They way she goes on at the end is offensive to ANY FAMILY. She is as sicko as DAWSON.

  7. I don't think Dawson would have written in his journal, what he had done with the administration of the final lethal injection, had the family not been in agreement with or made the suggestion themselves over not prolonging the King's suffering. Dawson's journal's could have been discovered at anytime, during his own lifetime, which would have brought about his own demise by hanging, I think he wrote the journal in such a way as to leave it to the future, to un-ravel, a cryptic message of the complicity of the family in agreement to the King's death, which he administered

  8. For the record – Maud was a Queen CONSORT, NOT REGNANT.

    Two totes different things. A Queen Consort is the wife of a king, and NOT a monarch in her own right. That type of queen is a Queen Regnant.

  9. My grandmother was dying a very painful death not long after this. My mother is convinced that the dr gave her mother an overdose of morphine. This she considered an act of mercy.

  10. Edward Duke of Windsor was a coward and a traitor. I don't blame the King for being frantic about Edward. I hope the knowledge of his second son King George VI would have the throne eventually gave him some peace.

  11. Is there proof that the doctor WAS NOT given permission from the King’s family? Also is there proof that he killed the King’s sister? ✌️❤️

  12. From 30:20 I begin to hear what I've suspected all along. "Euthanasia" the family or King George himself must have voiced some wishes. Leave doctors alone they been prosecuted too much over the ages

  13. Im almost certain he didnt do this n make this decision alone, im sure he went to mary n was like look he aint gonna recover n probably will die very soon n itll probably get more painful for him so wat u wanna do n mary was probably like please pit him out of his pain since its not a question of if but just when n he went n did as tokd n thats that, thats why the palaces statement about all involved are long dead yea dawson n mary

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