hardcore death clips I found myself

hardcore death clips I found myself
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WoW Classic Hardcore death clips I found on twitch
► Asmongold’s Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/zackrawrr
► Asmongold’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/asmongold
► Asmongold’s 2nd YT Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/ZackRawrr
► Asmongold’s Sub-Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Asmongold/

0:00 PalmBee
0:09 Masayoshi
6:34 Pokelawls
9:40 erobb221
11:08 avaail
12:15 Frontier

Channel Editors: CatDany & Daily Dose of Asmongold
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About the Author: Asmongold TV


  1. That mage death at the end …

    10 people with dispel abilities AND heals. Not a single one of either, lol. Dude had a mafia hit on him and nobody saw a thing.

  2. the way you can tell asmond has completely lost the plot is by how he finds excuses for a mage with NO buffs, no mana shield no ice barrier absolutely nothing. that was one of the most deserved mage deaths yet

  3. I was in Strath UD several hundred times at this point, tanking as a bear mostly and fk me, I had no idea they even had this spell.
    I was the embodiment of CHONK, so I could just take a beating no problem. This mage though, poor guy. What a sad death.
    On the other hand… We all know what AoE farming mages in HC deserve. At least he now knows to not be "that guy" if he rolls mage again :V
    Tries it once and instantly learns.

  4. Masayoshi: Black Guard Sentry: Abilities:
    Shadow Shock – Instant – 20 yard range –

    Instantly lashes an enemy with dark magic, inflicting Shadow damage.

  5. the proof permadeath is popular ? Wow was ignored on twitch expension or not . But blizzard made a change nobody knew was welcome

  6. people had to record the roll of text .oh ya it was there . Addon ? People did not know how in 2004 . They were too busy with the lag . People used camera early on to bsee what had killed them in the wall of text . If ms bring hardcore permadeath vanilla wow , i hope they do not bring script and addon to player .

  7. people refuse the notion that in vanilla wow prenurf 2004 huge amount of team died not being ready . And the various gear needed rarelly dropped dragon kill point scam would later be used to gear up one group to kill those end game

  8. I truly do not understand why people are playing this. Just play classic and enjoy it. You giving hours of your life away that you cannot get back when you die.

  9. Well, every Stratholme run with a mage, the mage AOE kites the skelies at the end, I played HC with a rogue until I died and every time I ran that dung, all mages did the AOE kite and it went fine. Now, If u get to 60 as a mage without AOE pulling once (for some unknown reason, maybe lack of confidence on your own skill) , u shouldn't try first there. But the error wasn't doing it, it was that he didn't kite. He just AOEd but he didn't strafe away from the mobs before recasting blizzard nor use a nova.

  10. Asmongold living the dream. Imagine if you could just wake up and watch Youtube videos all day but instead of the nonsense you were gonna type in the comments, you say it out loud to a camera lol. All jokes aside, I do especially enjoy his WoW reacts and how he provides context for people that aren't familiar

  11. The Black Guard Sentry's cast Shadow Shock, basically just shadow frost or earth shock 20 yards of pure pain, lots of undead mobs in Scholomance also cast it and it hurts.

  12. Funny how everyone has recently become a WoW hardcore expert in the comments. 😂

    Literally never seen half of much when the game-mode was actually challangening with no trading & 1 dungeon per account.

  13. I was just in a group with a random guy who when we were headed back to town to turn in quests decided to run straight into a pack of about 10 grogs. I was saying to myself holy s**t while I watched him run into a field full of enemies. So I ran the other direction, and luckily I was able to lose aggro and stealth through the area successfully turning in my quests 😅

  14. imagine thinking you know everything about wow while constantly demonstrating you don't, the only thing asmon influenced in wow is having your viewership carry you

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