Dozens of houses collapsed. A mysterious natural disaster occurred after the floods in Brazil

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The entire area was evacuated due to huge cracks in the ground in Gramado, Brazil, Rio Grande do Sul state.
The decision was motivated by the collapse of the asphalt on Avenida Perimetral, which created an extensive crack some 150 meters long. This is due to increased rainfall in the area and increases the risk of slope failure and potential landslides in the surrounding region.
According to the Gramado City Hall, about 110 families fled their homes.
In one of the recordings you can see a crack that destroyed the structure of the building and frightened the residents.
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About the Author: revenge of nature


  1. Simply that the entire area along the fissures are indicative of a fault line between the ground level moving rapidly from the hillside or terrain above, which will collapse. Heavy downpours increase the risk that it will slide directly downward. Or open up to a chasm from beneath the surface.

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