Deadly Disasters: Volcanoes | World’s Most Calamitous Natural Disasters | Free Documentary

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Deadly Disasters: Volcanoes

Deadly Disasters – Landslides:

Volcanoes occupy a special place in our imagination. Stories of the destruction of the ancient Roman city of Pompeii continue to fascinate us, while terrifying visions of exploding fire and molten rock play a key part in our nightmares.

In this episode of Deadly Disasters, we’ll look at terrifying examples of active and dormant volcanoes from all over the globe, from Vesuvius in Italy to Kilauea on the island of Hawaii. We’ll hear from some of the world’s leading volcanologists and discover why these violent eruptions of ash and lava are one of Mother Nature’s most versatile killers.
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  1. In this episode of Deadly Disasters, we'll look at terrifying examples of active and dormant volcanoes from all over the globe, from Vesuvius in Italy to Kilauea on the island of Hawaii. We'll hear from some of the world's leading volcanologists and discover why these violent eruptions of ash and lava are one of Mother Nature's most versatile killers.

    Does anyone out there live in the vicinity of a volcano? Or been near one (on holidays) when it erupted? Please share your stories in the comments!

  2. Went to Kilauea in 2007 before the steam vent opened up under the lookout and parking lot. The crater has more than quadrupled since then. I am glad I got the pictures of that area before they disappeared into the caldera. One of the most fascinating things about my time at the caldera was the constant buzzing I felt when I was down there. It was like I was feeling all of the ground vibrations and it was really weird feeling. Felt some of it at Jagger Observatory but it was not anywhere as intense as at the caldera. Was also strangely attracted to the Thurston Lava Tube. There is(was) an area towards the end that was barricaded off but was a continuation of the tube out to the shore. I so wanted to follow it further and probably would have had my husband not stopped me. I love the Big Island and can not wait to go visit Kilauea again

  3. Where is the Eruption from January 2022 Tunga Hung ? That Blew into space. They only tell us what THEY think we need to know. What about magnetic relationship in magma and solar winds affect? Good documentary.

  4. Lived on Oahu for several years prior til the island of Hawaii's volcano began erupting in 1983. Oahu has an extinct volcano contained on its island as well. They are definitely one of nature's mysteries, but beautiful too.

  5. Great doc! Personally correlate this since living in Indonesia, with 147 active volcanoes, is just like living on the back of sleeping dragons. They need to errupt sometimes so that the land can be 'majestically' fertile. But as much as I love Indonesia nature, I just hope there'll be no more VEI 6/7 erruptions (ref. Mt. Tambora, Mt. Toba, Mt. Krakatoa), it's truly frightening!

    TMI. The PP beside was taken 7km away from the summit of Mt. Merapi, the most(?) active volcano in Indonesia. ❤️🤍

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