Red Pandas (the Cutest Animals on the Planet?) – The Wild Life

Red Pandas (the Cutest Animals on the Planet?) - The Wild Life
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Are you ready for the cutest episode of #TheWildLife yet? We head over to the Red Panda Village to go behind the scenes with the Curator of Red Panda and Program Animals, Sarah Glass. Join us as we explore how our keepers care for Asha, Doofah, Ganzu, and Lincoln, and how they are leading the way in conservation for red pandas.

#RedPanda #RedPandas #ZooKnoxville


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About the Author: Zoo Knoxville


  1. Red pandas are my favorite animal because of how cute they are but I only discovered them because me and my friends took a spirit animal thingamabob and I got the red panda.

  2. It's too bad that they're not also found in the wildernesses of Europe & North America. These red pandas would thrive in those 2 continents, because, both continents have mountainous regions with coniferous forests.

  3. I can you have a panda pet because I am a child but I would really really want to have a red panda is a pet it’s so adorable move your bed and you should watch it😮

  4. They are indeed adorable, however please don't try to cuddle with a red panda. It won't be pretty as a panda, nor will it end well. So cute and cuddly looking. Beware of red pandas.

  5. If I would like to enroll in one of your anual training programs for Red Pandas, how can I do that? Or do the application needs to come from one zoo with Red Pandas? Can I apply even if the zoo I volunteer in doesn't have red pandas yet?

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