The Rescued Puppy Had Helpless Eyes And Was Trembling. #Rescuestraydogs #Chinesepastoraldog

The Rescued Puppy Had Helpless Eyes And Was Trembling. #Rescuestraydogs #Chinesepastoraldog
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Through Our Videos We Try To Convey Respect And Protection For Animals And Ensure That They Are Not Harmed In Any Way! Hello everyone, I am a country barber.
I live in a backward rural area where few people consciously spay their dogs.
Dogs are over-bred and puppies are abandoned almost every day💔
My main goal is to help stray animals, find suitable adopters for abandoned puppies,🏡🐶🐾
neuter stray dogs, and make people pay more attention to the dogs around them.❣️
Thank you all for your support and help👏👏💕💕💕
The Rescued Puppy Had Helpless Eyes And Was Trembling. #Rescuestraydogs #Chinesepastoraldog
#straydog #puppy rescue #abandoned puppy


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About the Author: THE Barber Rescues Stray Dogs


  1. この可愛い子たちはどうなるのですか?どうか助けてください❗️無事に大きくなりますように。心優しい家族の元で暮らせますように😊

  2. Poor little babies, it's so heartbreaking to see them suffering. May God bless them to heal and find loving homes. Thank you for caring for them. ❤❤❤❤❤

  3. 可哀想なりません。家にも耳の🙉猫を保護しています。助けてあげて下さい。お願い🙏します🙇‍♀️⤵️見守っていますね。元気に頑張って✊😃✊下さいね❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤また会いましょうね。可愛い🐶ちゃん辛いですね。透き通った目していますね。頑張れ💥👊😃ファイト~ファイト頑張れ

  4. Господи помоги этим милым крохам поскорее выздороветь и обрести свой дом в котором о них будут заботится и любить!!! 😢😘💋💕🤗❤🥰 А людям спасших этих милых хвостиков всех благ!!! 🤗❤👍

  5. Боженька!!! Защити щенков!!! Им страшно, холодно, мокро!!! Помоги им найти дом с добрым ,заботливым хозяином!!!! Спасибо Вам за вашу помощь этим малышам!!!!

  6. Please take care and please send to vet …. thank you … im praying many good people will help them … God blessed you and the baby puppys.❤

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