Top 10 SCARY Ghost Videos To HAUNT Your Halloween

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The videos in this list were carefully chosen as some of the best to potentially prove the existence of the afterlife. Seeing ghosts, poltergeists, shadow figures, or hearing voices calling out from the darkness are a lot more common than you’d think. And the videos in this list just go to show how anyone, anywhere in the world can witness these paranormal anomalies. As always if you think you have any explanation for anything you just witnessed please put it in a comment below.

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This video was scripted, voiced over, edited, & completely produced by me 🙂

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Intro – 0:00
Number 1 – 0:14
Number 2 – 1:41
Number 3 – 2:55
Number 4 – 4:55
Number 5 – 6:40
Number 6 – 10:28
Number 7 – 11:36
Number 8 – 12:51
Number 9 – 13:48
Number 10 – 22:20


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About the Author: Fearsome Top 5


  1. Umm Midwest Ghost hunter seems cool and all but does he ALWAYS catch activity on every video he posts, which is pretty much often? Everyone else in that circle doesn’t upload videos at that pace catching images and successful interactions with the paranormal at the rate this guy has..Is his personality really that dazzling they always come out for him and do everything he asks, every time in every video?
    “Omg look the spirit is using the jump rope I handed to them and now we are playing double dutch together! This is crazy omg!”

  2. Every little girl just loves having creepy bald mannequins in their room and closet while they sleep and play and do homework! ❤Wrong! Mom get those creepy things away from that poor lil one look at the fear in her face come on!!! Put them in your own room!

  3. I used to love dolls❤ Until I started watching paranormal videos religiously 😬 Now I cant buy them as gifts for the lil girls I love in my family..I pray I never ever see video of a haunted Cabbage Patch doll Id really break into tears 😢

  4. I noticed something about the manican it had something white behind it and it was connected to its leg so it could of been a device to make it fall over

  5. Anyone else have that one freind that overreacts to the extreme to anything in every situation? Yeah, well in my group, Im the extreme one. 😂 Midwest ghost hunter, he be one too.

  6. yea…cuz its totally impossible that someones friend couldnt just be hiding in the other room or the forest. plus being out in the forest alone and then something "touching" our shoulder…like you would freaking stay out there. Give me a break. honestly, 95% of these videos are just way to easy to fake.

  7. Fearsome top 5 and Nukes top 5 go hand and hand. The two best videos on all YouTube. Also the only two I immediately watch once I get the notification. Awesome content and unique to each in their spin on things and vocabulary.

  8. 4:33 doll hair moves split second before it moves, huh, wonder why paul.
    Actually every one of these is fake.
    1st on if someone has glasses on with night vision, eyes glow, that just a guy that lives there faking stuff for you. Garage ghost to staged, Actually seems like he set his own cam up to do that.
    Dust devils has colors run up it for many reasons including temp changes. Creepy Mannequins with ghost, yup It's about clout.
    Yup and the rest of the beauty's.
    If I find a real one I'll mention it.

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