30 SCARIEST GHOST Videos of the YEAR

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30 SCARIEST GHOST Videos of the YEAR – Scary ghosts, ghosts caught on camera, poltergeist, paranormal activity, Japanese ghost videos, scary TikTok ghost videos, paranormal investigations and ghost hunting are in this list of scary videos. And they are definitely some of the scariest videos on the internet.

In this episode of 30 scary ghost videos, you will see: 30 scariest ghost videos of the year! These include; A scary ghost sighting is caught on camera, but is it a real ghost? A scary TikTok ghost video shows footage of a terrifying demonic entity haunting a person’s home. A creepy video caught on camera by paranormal investigators shows a shadow figure lurking in an abandoned haunted building. A scary video shows a dark entity caught on tape that is the reason behind a terrifying haunting. A shadow figure is caught on tape inside an old haunted tunnel. Rare footage shows a monk ghost caught on camera at an old castle. A mysterious shadow figure is captured on camera at a ceremony. Japanese ghost hunters visit an abandoned haunted building and encounter frightening paranormal activity. Paranormal investigators, ghost hunters, ghost sightings plus many more scary videos! These are 30 SCARIEST GHOST Videos of the YEAR



00:00 – Intro
00:04 – 30 SCARIEST GHOST Videos of the YEAR
2:43:52 – Outro


MINDJUNKIE brings you the best ghost videos, paranormal activity, paranormal investigations, ghost hunting, scary things caught on camera, haunted houses, scary tiktok ghost videos, apparitions, poltergeists, demons, shadow figures, supernatural events, and unexplained footage. Anything mysterious caught on camera!

30 SCARIEST GHOST Videos of the YEAR

#scary #ghost #creepy

If you enjoyed this video make sure you check out TOP 30 SCARIEST GHOST Videos of the YEAR That Will Give You Nightmares! https://youtu.be/GPV4XTJYBcU

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About the Author: MINDJUNKIE


  1. If I had a dollar for each channel on YT that says it has a video showing the scariest videos on the internet…man that's a LOT of dollars.
    Then this creepy s**t really hit me

  2. I’ve always had luck by telling them that they scare me please leave if we can’t live together in peace and if they can’t keep on telling them to please leave I’m sorry for whatever they went through but they are scaring you and your family please and you wish them nothing but the best and you hope that they can fine peace yeah yeah I know that it sounds crazy but I’ve always had good luck with you may have to tell them a few times and be sincere it’s not easy being where they are most of them are not evil they are scared their self a lot of them don’t know that they have past they are stuck not knowing what is going on yes again I know that it sounds crazy but what would it hurt to try and understand there side and try and comfort them instead of trying to put them on the spot light it’s awesome don’t get me wrong but they feel you are after them instead of the other way around they are trying to communicate with you and they don’t understand why or what you are Or doing there either they are just as nervous of us as we are nervous of them I really hope that this works I lived for 10yrs in a house that was rebuilt in 1942 on land 46 acres that Sherman march in Augusta Ga it was scary sometimes and so sad but after I said in the beginning and it was peaceful but every once in while I would hear and feel the pain of the woman children and men crying and talking to each other on the property and I would tell them that I am so sorry for all the heart wrenching pain that they went through and sometimes I would break down in the heaviness of what they went through it also worked for my son when said the same thing when he was around 10 but that was before we moved to the 1942 home I am since moved to my other home and moved for other reasons not because of the lost lonely souls 💔😢❤🙏🏻

  3. 2:18:29 this is the same house shown from a previous video that was done 4 months ago called “20 SCARY GHOST Videos That’ll Give You Nightmares”. The video is at 1:24. In that video you can see a cross on the wall but in this video the cross has gone from the wall? WHY,

  4. Man you need to lay off that bass button Bro damn other than that 😎 cool and does ant
    Y of these people have a real flashlight when did all this happen the 80's come on man I have a small hand flashlight that lights up like the sun is out geeez

  5. I wish I could believe In the paranormal. I've never witnessed anything myself and with technology I can't trust a single video posted online. And with the "clout" pandemic I trust people even less. I want so badly for it to be real😭

  6. Satin knows the same information as God. However satin deceives, and full of hate, while god is truth and filled with love. You choose. You know what is what. People would rather believe that ghosts are real and could be just just your average Joe or Jane. People who lived and died. But not true. Satin uses people’s own history to fool you. It is too dangerous to be alone. God made companionship. Family and good friends. You have no reason to go through life alone. Who or what would benefit from you being separated from one another.

  7. First of all, evil exists. Evil is everywhere. You should not try to talk or invite evil! Conversing by them, who’s here? What is your name? Is inviting them. What everyone calls ghosts are demons. Have your house blessed. Pray. Admit you are a sinner. You have to believe Jesus died on the cross to pay for your sins. Get baptized. Read your Bible. Find a Bible teaching church. God bless.

  8. I have a bright remote controlled electric lantern that I put in a tree to illuminate the entire camp site. I wear the remote on a neck chain. I can tell you its a great comfort! Usually its a fox or coyote either hungry or curious. However, I always carry a primary weapon on the outside of my clothing and a secondary gun on the inside of my clothing. And, I don't hike alone anymore.

  9. In this house the evil spirits is playing you like a drum it already knows you have no idea how to cast it out so it can follow you to any house. If it wasn't to.your lack of knowledge makes you a easy toy.

  10. People who have real evil spirits in your home or around you. You don't have to put up with it.there are no ghost mith. If you are a Christian and you have the Holy spirit in you you can cast all evil spirits out and back where they came from. In the name of Jesus christ our lord. Thay are afraid of anyone who knows how to take care of business. You don't ask or try to talk to a evil spirit. You command. People are always trying to talk to the dead and that is a great sin. All you will get is a evil spirit. No person who has died is on earth thay are with God. But evil spirits are the angels that refused to be born of woman on earth. Thay only have the power you give them like fear.

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