Cute beagle puppy 5 months to 5 years

Cute beagle puppy 5 months to 5 years
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Oliver just turned 5 years old! To celebrate, we decided to make this video looking back at five years of Oliver’s most glorious moments, from when he was a puppy until now. Some of these clips will be very familiar to Oliver’s fans, while others are new (we shot so much footage of Oliver as a puppy that there’s a lot we haven’t shown before). Enjoy!!

Sunny from
Puppy Love, by Mica Emory, from Epidemic Sound
Happiness from


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About the Author: Oliver the Beagle


  1. Люблю всех животных, но собак обожаю.
    Несколько месяцев назад потеряла моего дорогого биглюшку из-за болезни. Знаю одно: если и возьму щенка, то это будет бигль
    Мой Бадди тоже был такой же голосистый. БИГЛИ! ❤

  2. Greetings from Poland your clip reminded me our late pet or nearly a member of family .. her name was Gaja our joy … my best running compagnion … for the time being there is a cat ruling era in our house but I hope one day the reins of some Beagle will be restored 😁

  3. Laying down in the beach with your pup right next to you in your arms. Both of you quietly looking out at the water. There is nothing greater nor more serene in the whole universe.

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