The Haunting Tape 03 (ghost caught on video)

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This video documents more real haunting activity that is happening in my house. The little ghost girl is focusing her attention on scaring me. I heard knocks and other weird noises before I started to record. The ghost appeared and I could only see her in the LCD screen of the video camera. The paranormal ghostly activity continues and I will record more as the events occur.


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About the Author: Mark Apsolon


  1. The fact that he does have a video history in film making is telling that he knows how to work it. Had we not been able to know that, it'd be able to be more convincing, and also the fact that the spirit only appears before he runs is nice effect.

  2. Man I remember being 9 or something, watching these and being scared shitless. I wouldn't sleep or anything. Now I KNOW they are fake but for some reason I'm even more scared of them???

  3. Não sei qual o público alvo deste tipo de klips supostamente assustadores mas depois de tudo o que se tem visto a respeito isto nem sequer para comédia mórbida…quanto mais!!!🤬

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