Unbelievable footage Germany | natural disasters caught on camera | Mother Nature Angry

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The extreme weather conditions resulted in chaos on the city’s roads, with traffic brought to a standstill and several accidents reported. Local authorities urged residents to stay indoors and avoid unnecessary travel until the storm had passed.

A severe hailstorm has battered the German capital of Berlin, causing widespread damage to homes, cars, and infrastructure. The storm, which hit on Saturday afternoon, brought with it hailstones the size of golf balls, along with strong winds and heavy rain.

According to reports, several flights to and from Berlin’s airports were also disrupted, with some delayed or cancelled due to the adverse weather conditions.

The damage caused by the hailstorm was particularly severe in the eastern parts of the city, where several homes and buildings had their roofs completely destroyed. Many cars were also left with shattered windows and dented bodywork, while several trees were uprooted by the strong winds.

Emergency services were quick to respond to the situation, with firefighters and police officers working throughout the night to clear debris from the roads and provide assistance to affected residents.

Local authorities have advised residents to contact their insurance companies as soon as possible to report any damage caused by the storm, and to take necessary precautions to prevent further damage or injury.

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About the Author: HAARP


  1. Народ всей планеты земля одумайтесь уберите свой гнев зависть злобу кк друг другу повернитесь лицом к лицу у наших всех правителей этот договорняк со всеми странами этих бабломанов воров и барыг против народов простых людей мы должны победить это зло добро всегда побеждало зло возьмётся за руки друзья и будем обниматься и любить друг друга как раньше было в СССР мы и вы все дружественные страны матушка земля всей планеты устала от этого Хауса и крови где умирают наши братья и сестры на Украине а ма русские сколько уже потеряли своих детей внуков мужей земля плачет вместе с нами одумайтесь мы русский народ простой и добрый мы не хотим войны мы ждём Мира на всей планете земли не надо больше крови наших детей молимся каждый день за них Миру Мир всему доброму народу нашей планете земля

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