Out Of Control! RECKLESS Fails Of The Week

Out Of Control! RECKLESS Fails Of The Week
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  1. 3:11 i would of been chuckling a bit and the way the man swapped environments with the fish the man returned to his and i hope the fish went back to its. The boat is not needed a pair of wellies is enough and why didnt he get his cap.

  2. Can someone explain the clips like 2:23?
    Like…. why do people deliberately play golf, in a room, right near a glass table?
    It's like those clips of people driving motorbikes in the house, or whatever.

  3. I will never understand how people that swing golf clubs inside a house/apartment are surprised when something gets broken. That's got to be the most staged fail ever.

  4. 5:00 I would love to see the look on bucket hat dipshit's face when he showed that dashcam video to the cops and they gave him a ticket for being on his phone while driving.

  5. the car being pushed by the truck? the truck driver is not the idiot the car driver is, more than likely they made an unsafe lane change in the trucks blind spot and he never knew they were there. play stupid games win stupid prizes

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