USA, Germany and France Painful! STORM and MONSTER Flash Flood Destroy Buildings | Natural Disasters

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USA, Germany and France Painful! STORM and MONSTER Flash Flood Destroy Buildings | Natural Disasters

The recent series of natural disasters that struck USA, Germany, and France has left the world in shock.
Natural disasters have always been unpredictable, but the intensity and suddenness of these events have raised many eyebrows.
The STORM that battered the coasts was unlike any other, bringing with it a MONSTER flash flood that ruthlessly destroyed countless buildings.
Across USA, natural disasters such as these are a reminder of the power of Mother Nature.
Despite being one of the world’s most developed nations, the infrastructure was left devastated in the wake of these events.
Germany, with its rich history and robust architecture, witnessed the crumbling of its ancient and modern structures alike under the wrath of this natural disaster.
France, known for its romantic ambiance, was left in tears as many of its iconic sites faced the brunt of the MONSTER flash floods.
Residents of these countries are no strangers to natural disasters, but the magnitude of this event has left many in disbelief.
Aid agencies are now emphasizing the importance of being prepared for such natural disasters.
As the global community rallies together to provide support, these incidents serve as a stark reminder that no country, no matter how developed, is immune to natural disasters.
These events underscore the need for nations worldwide to invest more in understanding and mitigating the risks associated with natural disasters.

00:00 – natural disasters
00:20 – flood in france
02:50 – flash flood
04:59 – us floods
07:23 – germany floods
10:00 – tornado
12:58 – landslide
15:38 – earthquake
This Video researched by: Josue Anderson
Address: 2792 Raynor Valleys East Oriemouth, NM 58525
Geographic coordinates: 72.429565,16.739203
Mother’s maiden name: Mann
Date 1958-10-15
Age 64 years old
WIN TV does not fully own the material compiled in this video. It belongs to individuals or organizations that deserve respect.
We use under: Copyright Disclaimer, Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976. “Fair Use” is permitted for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching. scholarships and research.
For any commercial/general/copyright inquiries
Copyright Music By:
Adrev for a 3rd Party
and other artists
Background music is used in the video by Kevin MacLeod, licensed under the Creative Commons – Attribution 4.0 License.…


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About the Author: WIN TV


  1. Have you ever experienced or know someone affected by the devastating flash floods in the USA, Germany, and France? Share your story or thoughts on this event. Let's spread information and understanding to support each other.

  2. Comfortable lies from the father of lies or inconvenient truths from the Son of God?

    This generation shall not pass away until all these things come to pass.

    You can no more change the climate of this or any planet than you can change your God given gender.

    You are not God's. The mystery of the 7 crossings of our stars electromagnetic gravitational energy equator not you or co2 is causing these the birthing pains of these the climate change END TIMES Jesus warned us to watch and prepare for.

    The moon will pull the Earth's increased double Torah magnetosphere out and around the planet east to west with the conjunction of mercury and Venus in 2033 and every 40 years thereafter for the millennium it takes our orbits to eclipse the nucleus separating the two energies of our stars Oort cloud magnetosphere.

  3. Господь наказывает за грехи 1 Иоанна 3 гл 8 стих кто грешит тот от дьявола и принадлежит дьяволу. Бог любит человека но грехи его нет Богу грешники не нужны

  4. Keer u tot mij en wees gered, alle einden van de aarde;want ik ben God, en er is geen ander.

    Voor mij zal elke knie buigen; bij mij zal elke tong zweren.Halleluja, Amen.

  5. لا يوجد مأمن من الكوارث او معزل منها مهما كانت تكنولجياته لكن البنية التحتية والبناء الجيد يخفف من آثارها

  6. هناك آية قرآنية (بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم وعسى ان تكرهوا شيئا وهو خير لكم وعسى ان تحبوا تحبوا شيئا و هو شر لكم والله يعلم وانتم لا تعلمون صدق الله العظيم )😢

  7. في هده العالم قال تعالى لنبلوكم ايكم احسن عملا اي خيركم من عمل صالحا في كل شيء لك ولعيرك في كل شيء….

  8. هده الكوارث تلم الشمل بين الاهل والناس في التعاون والتكافل بينهم وهو اصلا امرا من الله .وتعازنوا على البر والتقوى ولا تعاونوا على الاثم والعدوان…..

  9. تحياتي تقافتنا اخوك في الدين واخوك في الحياة قال الله ( قل لن يصيبنا إلا ما كتباه الله لنا هو مولتنا زعلى الله يتوكل المتوكلون وان يمسسك الله بضر فلا كاشف له إلا هو و ان يرك بخير فلا راد لفضله يصيب به من يشاء وهو الغفور الرحيم صدق الله العظيم ) الحمد لله كل من عنده اللهم ارحم الاموات واشفي المرضى والمصابين آمين ❤❤❤🇲🇦🇲🇦🇲🇦🤲🙏

  10. Gurun pasir yang dulu di kenal dengan daratan tandus dan sulit mencari sumber air sekarang di genangi air yang berlimpah ruah,di kuatirkan pulau pulau yang ada di dunia ini akan tenggelam di genangi air, laut tak mampu lagi menampung air sehingga meluap ke daratan yang di tambah lagi oleh curahan hujan yang semakin ekstrim serta gempa bumi yang tak kalah dahsyatnya memporak porandakan apa saja yang ada di atasnya,angin kencang berhembus dahsyat menyeret air laut berbentuk gelombang besar naik ke daratan memporak porandakan apa saja yang ada di daratan,suhu panas dan suhu dingin saling berbenturan sehingga terjadi siklus pusaran angin yang maha dahsyat yang menhancurkan apa saja yang di sentuhnya, sepertinya bumi ini mengalami kerusakan yang sangat fatal

  11. Inna lillahi wa inna lillahi Rojiun Alfatehah ya Allah lindungilah mereka ini berikanlah kemudahan serta mudahkanlah segala urusan2nya serta Ridzinya Amin China 🙏 😢😢😢😢

  12. From child God peaceful:I am is I am the Lion (Water life),a child of God Yesus (Isay Moses Holy spirit).This time is the End day Togather Repent nothing compare where you from.For your savior walk in the way of God Yesus in the End.God Will to disappear all people is didnt walk in this way.Dont reackles the name of Yesus If Him come Will to judge you .if you want to meet Him call by me Isay Moses Holy spirit,you Will save .you must to know ,in this time Yesus gather with God Creation in Heaven.nobody up to the without by me Isay Moses Holy spirit.may this moment to Made your life save .In this time God Will to disappear the people is didnt walk in the way of Him .God bless for all of you.

  13. It's wonderful to see the people helping each other. The conditions we see are not man-made as many would have you believe but it's the work of God. This is not because the name made religion Climate Change but fulfillment of Biblical prophecies. These disasters will get more frequent and more intense. The Bible calls these birth pains and as the coming of Christ gets closer we will see them in all seasons becoming more wickeder and many will be washed away and killed. Sorry, I can't give you comforting news but this is what was written in the bible over 3000 years ago. Read Luke 21 and Matthew 24. All you have to do is accept Jesus Christ and book your seat in heaven like myself. This is no joke. If you live long enough then you will see that my words were correct. You will soon experience strange signs in the moon, stars, and in the sky. Once you clean up another disaster will be upon you. You will soon all get tired of cleaning, and helping each other and either trust God or curse Him. Bye. I have done what God asked me to say to you.

  14. Los de TV os habéis cruzado los Cables en la OTAN – NATO en lugar de tanto tanque blindado, tendrían que haber fabricado MAQUI-NOTAS para hacer
    o construir CANALILLOS para el AGUA donde podía haber inundaciones… Pero donde no hay Cerebro, no se puede pedir CABEZA y ¿Ahora QUE? Desastre
    tras DESASTRE o .. Solo son Escenarios de Películas para ESCENIFICAR la peli del FIN del MUNDO.

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