555 Moments Of Idiots In Cars Got What They Deserved! Instant Karma!

555 Moments Of Idiots In Cars Got What They Deserved! Instant Karma!
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555 Moments Of Idiots In Cars Got What They Deserved! Instant Karma!
As we embark on this journey, let’s adopt the guise of innocent bystanders, for today promises a spectacle of even more peculiar happenings on the road. With that, we dive headfirst into the world of instant karma, where every twist and turn serves as a reminder that cosmic justice is always at play.
Buckle up as we witness the theater of road rage encounters met with swift and poetic justice, all thanks to the omnipresent force known as instant karma.
So, without further ado, let the spectacle begin! Instant karma will continue to weave its mesmerizing tapestry on the road, showing us that sometimes, the most bizarre moments are the ones that leave us in awe of its undeniable presence instant karma.
WELUCK Channel of footage videos featuring driving fails, bad drivers, idiots in cars, idiot drivers and car crashes. Please obey traffic laws, driving conditions and drive safely. Focus on driving and keep 100% of your attention on driving at all times. Our videos aim to raise awareness and learn from other people’s driving errors.
WELUCK provides dash cam footage of incidents recorded on dash cameras. We believe our videos can be used as an educational and informational guide for viewers & drivers to analyze and evaluate situations and to prevent any future mishaps & incidents. We present on-screen commentary to help drivers understand each situation and comment educational feedback to enhance the knowledge of drivers, sometimes through irony and laughter.
We do not fully own the material compiled in this video. It belongs to individuals or organizations that deserve respect.
– Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/@weluckusa
– Idiots In Cars: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcNN52M_va5J4OwbFCYxAtdot4XEw9kA7
– Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100089600524230
– Website: https://weluckusa.blogspot.com/

#weluck #idiotdrivers #idiotsincars #incrediblemoments #caughtoncamera


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About the Author: WELUCK


  1. You are so effing annoying in repeating "no one was hurt", when it's already showing the statement on bottom of video. And you don't even know yourself personally, and completely wrong in most videos you say that about. They get whiplash, jurked into locked shoulder seatbelt, jurked into lap seatbelt into their abdomen, jurked around hitting their head against the window, or worse when they are not wearing seatbelt, thrown all over the place. So you know nothing about drivers and passengers being physically hurt or not when they are still inside their vehicle, not thrown out. You can't see them acting or hear them saying they are okay, except in one video from their own video. So stop constantly saying, "no one was hurt" when you don't even know for a fact that they are. Minor injuries still hurts. You are completely annoying with this part in your video.
    Edit: Also when thrown around in vehicle you hit the side of your vehicle while driving, you hit your upper arm and tip of your shoulder which also causes pain even though mild pain, which also hurt. So you are wrong when you say no one was hurt.

    With blaming the semis for not looking when turning left or right, it's never the semis' fault when turning left or right. They have to be in left or right lane to make their turns. They take wide turns. The smaller vehicle drivers are responsible for their own disasters. The drivers in smaller vehicles are supposed to stay behind the semis when semis are turning. So the other drivers stays in the turning lane while the semis stays in the straight driving lane to turn left or right. And when it's our turn to drive, the semi driver turns first, and once the semi driver is completely turned onto the other street, then the drivers in the turning lane can drive up to the stop lights and also turn left. That's how it works when semi drivers are at stop lights and waiting to turn left or right.
    I personally know. I drove to stop lights and was going to turn right. Since I saw the semi in left lane that goes straight and saw his turning signal on to turn right, I stopped behind the semi in my turning lane to let him go first. Then after the driver got completely on the other street, then I also drove up all the way to the lights and turned right and got on the other street. I was smart so Semi driver and I never got into an accident as drivers in your videos. So stop falsely blaming the semi drivers when they are in the right and the drivers in their smaller vehicles are the real ones that are in fault.
    Please pin this comment so others can learn how to drive right when coming up to stoplights and are going to turn onto another street themselves while a semi is in a lane to go straight with their turning signal on to make a turn, to stay behind the semi and let the semi always go first before the smaller vehicle drivers drive up and take their turn on to another street themselves? Than this semi and smaller vehicle drivers will never have this careless problem again. It's all out of common sense. I was never taught to do this. I learned what happens when you pull up all the way to stop lights and always get squashed by semis when they are also turning left or right by just watching these videos by other uploaders way before watching your channel. So I used common sense, which is not hard at all.
    Drivers Ed teachers really needs to teach student drivers how to turn at stop lights when there is a semi in a lane that goes straight is also going to turn when student drivers sees the semi's turning signal on. This is the cause why today's drivers are causing thede disasters with semis also turning. None uf us were ever taught what to do involving semis also turning in the same direction. Someone has to teach it. So this is why I am asking you to pin this comment. Viewers will see my comment first and can learn how to handle turning at stop lights when there is a semi with turning signal on in one lane over also wanting to turn left or right.

  2. Why put these untrue messages on the screen, everyone is ok, no one was hurt. Of course they were and some serious injuryโ€™s had to be had.๐Ÿ˜ก

  3. The Narrator of this podcast has Cranium-Enter-Rectum.
    Heโ€™s got his head so far up his Rear End, that he Never tells the truth.
    โ€œOh, no one was hurtโ€, but the vehicles are a total loss, or flipped upside down with bodies hanging Out of the vehicles, yet No One was Hurt.
    PLEASE, he must work as a government employee. LIES LIES LIES !!!

  4. โ€œThankfully this was only a minor collision. I hope everyone is okโ€.
    The pickup is upside down. That was NOT a MINOR collision !

  5. 0:141:19: ๐Ÿš— A compilation of car accidents on the road with no injuries.
    6:50: โš ๏ธ The video shows various dangerous driving incidents and near misses.
    13:05: ๐Ÿš— The video shows various dangerous driving situations and highlights the importance of being alert and following traffic rules.
    19:53: ๐Ÿš— A video captures several dangerous driving incidents, including a collision, a hit-and-run, and a serious accident caused by drunk driving.
    26:10: ๐Ÿš— Multiple car crashes and near misses caught on camera.
    Recap by Tammy AI

  6. This story might related to this video okay when we are driving back home the car was weaving through traffic and he almost T-boned us luckily my friend managed to honk the horn to let him know what are u doing I am freaking out really bad

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