10 SCARY GHOST Videos That'll Send Shivers Down Your Spine

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10 SCARY GHOST Videos That’ll Send Shivers Down Your Spine – Scary ghosts, ghosts caught on camera, poltergeist, paranormal activity, Japanese ghost videos, scary TikTok ghost videos, paranormal investigations and ghost hunting are in this list of scary videos. And they are definitely some of the scariest videos on the internet.

In this episode of 10 scary ghost videos, you will see: 10 scary ghost videos that’ll send shivers down your spine! These include; A scary photo shows a mysterious ghost in a haunted forest which experts believe is a real ghost caught on camera. Scary TikTok ghost video shows a man being haunted by a poltergeist spirit where terrifying paranormal activity is caught on camera inside his haunted house. A haunting photograph taken from the subreddit Ghosts shows 3 mysterious ghostly figures walking on an abandoned railroad track, but are they real ghosts? A creepy video shows a sighting of the mythological creature known as Bigfoot lurking in a forest. A terrifying haunting is caught on tape by a Japanese ghost hunter when he sets up CCTV cameras inside a haunted house. Plus many more scary videos! These are 10 SCARY GHOST Videos That’ll Send Shivers Down Your Spine



00:00 – Intro
00:04 – 10 SCARY GHOST Videos That’ll Send Shivers Down Your Spine
33:01 – Outro


MINDJUNKIE brings you the best ghost videos, paranormal activity, paranormal investigations, ghost hunting, scary things caught on camera, haunted houses, scary tiktok ghost videos, apparitions, poltergeists, demons, shadow figures, supernatural events, and unexplained footage. Anything mysterious caught on camera!

10 SCARY GHOST Videos That’ll Send Shivers Down Your Spine

#scary #ghost #creepy

If you enjoyed this video make sure you check out TOP 30 SCARIEST GHOST Videos of the YEAR That Will Give You Nightmares! https://youtu.be/GPV4XTJYBcU

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About the Author: MINDJUNKIE


  1. Ghost 23 ….okay that spirit or ghost you caught there isn't just standing motionless looks like when Ghost 23 pointed and asked who goes there it looked like the entity did the same almost like mimicking Ghost 23…..could it be a shape sifter 🤔💯

  2. My thing is this why do people let their babies sleep alone in a room ….it doesn't make sense ….here in South Africa we let our kids sleep with us up and till they 5 or 6 …..come on guys this world is cruel and everything in it …..just saying 🤦‍♂️

  3. ถามว่า..ไปพิศูจน์ท้าทายโลกของวิญญานและสัมพเวสี..แล้วทำไมต้องวิ่งหนีผีอย่างลนลานบานทุ่งล่ะครับ ในเมื่ออยากเห็น " ผี " ทับสะแก

  4. 10. Looks like smog/fog/mist to me, not seeing a person at all.

    09. This one is 100% fake, everything happens off screen to begin with, plenty of time for those cups to get pushed off and then hide in the other room behind the washing machine.
    The blue cup at 3:52 slowed down to .25x speed I can see a wire wrapped around the middle of it, spoilers not the only time wire is used.
    Yes, the key will move when the door is slammed shut, you see this later as well in the video, nothing paranormal.
    The swinging pendant light is a tall friend moving it, prove that it isn't.
    By 08:00 everything happening is always off-screen and just about when he's ready to walk in, oh wait another noise better not investigate that!
    The door remote making noise could be anything from a fault to a bugged device which is making the noise some other way, either way given that everything else is faked I'm not convinced this is real.
    From 09:50 the hallway "grocery" shopping is some of the worst acting I've ever seen, Oh and I saw your friend too.
    Their friend can be seen in at 10:58 in the doorway to the far right 🙂
    12:20, thank you for the zoom in MindJunkie! I can see the wire clear as day now 🙂

    08. Fake, people walking toward you doesn't make it paranormal, prove to me with live video that they weren't there.

    07. If this is real, shit, if not what shitty parents hurting their child this way.

    06. Potato quality video, at night, nope.

    05. Over exposure, I also see a skull above their right head, so what? It's just bleeding and exposure.

    04. Real person who then walked into the jungle. You can tell they're real, so many arm movements beconing them to follow, fake.

    03. Nah I don't like this at 23:35 the cat's head spins vertically backward, between that being a shitty filter on the phone, and yes, it's a filter I'm not convinced at all.

    02. Neat, I like this.

    01. Skip this bullshit video, all these 4Wall ones are fake!

  5. 21:47, during the man investigating by the waterfall. While he is showing the dense cliff face, it looks like there is a child-like face within the leaves and a "whew". Didn't sound like that man but it may have been

  6. To those who are genuinely haunted, you're stressed out enough without having to "prove it" to complete strangers. You know the truth and that's all that matters.

  7. Haven't been here in awhile Mind Junkie. I understand most believe these pictures people take aren't real. I quit frankly would care less. The ones that could be fake they believe are real 👻👻👻

  8. At 31:54 when Mr. Kimura starts to enter the room, something also flies upward from the coffee table. I may be wrong & it was a light flare as he opens the door but if you slow it down, it certainly looks something flying up.

  9. The "UFO" over the moon is a bird. It looks round because it's out of focus. And it's moving slow because of the distance it is from the camera, but it speeds up as it turns and comes closer to the camera person.

  10. The answer to Marcio's dilemma is the Ouija board he'd been using. NEVER play with one of these things, don't bring it into your house. Most people don't know how to use one properly and end up opening a door to the spirit world and forget to shut it.

  11. Bruh, how you going to make a 10 videos peice and the first thing you show is a GD photo. I was like if this hiking video is dark as night, I ain't watching sht else in this video. The GD photo is dark as night.

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