14 Signs Your Dog Doesn’t Love You (Even if You Think They Do)

14 Signs Your Dog Doesn’t Love You (Even if You Think They Do)
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In this video, we will talk about 14 signs that your dog may not be your biggest fan.

They don’t wag their tail when they see you
You can learn a lot about your pet’s feelings if you observe their tail closely.If you approach your dog and they start wagging their tail with a positive demeanor, it means that your pet is content and happy to see you
A tucked tail on the other hand, is an unmistakable indicator that the dog is feeling nervous or frightened.
They don’t want to cuddle after they eat
Dogs are pack animals that crave companionship. If your dog loves to play or cuddle with you, that’s a good thing. They think of you as part of their pack, and they find your company and attention pleasant.
What’s more, if your dog wants to cuddle with you after they eat, it means they love you. Dog cuddles after meals equate a strong love between owners and canines because this shows that your dog does not view you as just a feeding machine.
Not making eye contact with you
Animal behaviorists believe that a dog’s ability to look into a human’s eyes in a non-aggressive way was one of the first steps toward canine domestication. They somehow learned that humans like eye contact, and by looking into a person’s eyes, they establish a meaningful relationship.
When your dog is willing to gaze lovingly into your eyes, it’s a sign they trust you. On the contrary, if a dog isn’t your biggest fan, they will not meet your gaze and will back away. This is because dogs most often choose flight as opposed to fight. By looking away from you, your dog is trying to keep the peace and avoid an attack.
They don’t seem to want to sleep in your room
Wolves and wild dogs purposefully sleep in small, confined areas with pack members they trust to protect against predators.
Our dogs think that we are in their pack, and feel like they can count on us to protect them in the face of a danger.
So, if your dog doesn’t want to sleep in the same room as you, there may be a trust issue.
They Ignore Your Commands
Some people think training a dog is all about the dog, but it’s actually about the bond shared on both ends of the leash. If a dog doesn’t trust their owner, they are less likely to respond well to training.
Plus, research published in Developmental Science has shown that dogs actually ignore information they deem unnecessary. So, if your pet seems to be giving you the cold shoulder and ignoring your commands all of a sudden, it’s a good sign they’re not happy with you.
They wag their tail to the left when you are around
It may be hard to catch, but a dog will wag their tail to the left if they are suspicious of another dog or a person they don’t trust.
Recent studies suggest that a tail wagging to the left indicates negative feelings, fear or stress. Dogs may show this tail wagging behavior in the presence of an unfamiliar, dominant dog or person. On the contrary, tail wagging to the right indicates positive feelings.
They disappear whenever you are around
If your furry friend insists on maintaining a distance from you, then there’s a good chance they’re trying to avoid you on purpose.
They don’t relax when you’re around
Sleeping puts a dog in a very vulnerable position. A happy dog will snooze, relax, and expose their belly. Dogs are usually concerned about their safety and won’t expose their vulnerable parts when they aren’t sure about their surroundings.
So if your dog doesn’t let its guard down when you’re around, it could mean they feel uncomfortable around you. On that note, remember that if your dog adopts a side-sleeping or belly-up position, it is an indication that they have no worries. They are relaxed and comfortable with their surroundings and have no uncertainty about it.
They don’t bring you a present
One of the cutest things that dogs do when they trust you is give you toys, bones, or any random thing as a gift.
You may have no interest in your pup’s tattered tennis ball, but their willingness to share it with you is a sign of true affection.
So if your dog isn’t willing to share their toys with you, it may be a sign that they don’t trust you enough.
They prefer spending time with someone else
You come home to find your beloved dog snuggling with a member of your family on the couch.
But when you try to join the fun, the dog takes off.
You might also start to notice that your furry friend is following other members of your household, but won’t even spare you a glance.
If your dog turns to others for pets and interactions but consistently ignores you, this is a clear sign that the problem is not them, it’s you.
They don’t like being touched
Petting a dog reassures them that you love them, releases stress, and improves the bond between the dog and owner. While there may be times that your dog is just uninterested and don’t want to be petted, if they regularly recoil at your touch, it is a sign of a problem.
They growl at you
If your dog is growling at you, then they’re definitely unhappy.


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About the Author: Jaw-Dropping Facts


  1. My dog is old so she sleeps on here belly and is mostly asleep but one time her Hair was standing up and she was staring at this hooded man next to a window and she was growling

  2. We adopted a dog. She's been rehomed twice before we had her. Shes super anxious as well, but I noticed she's more warmed up to my bf than me. I even try to let her sleep in my side of the bed but she will always try to go my bf

  3. I guess it took our dog a year to like me. She just ignored me and only wanted my husband's attention and being with him. But I also think it was because she felt my anxiety and picked up on I didn't like her because she was a dog so she left me space. Border Aussies are sensitive breeds so if they pick up on your stress around them, they will leave you space so you are not upset with them more. Then when I started to warm up to her and like having her around, she started to want me now and want my attention. So if a dog is picking up you don't like them, they may just simply leave you space as described in the video and cling onto your other family members who do like them. Our dog also hid from our kids if they played too rough and my son always took it personally. We would explain to him she doesn't want to play because he plays too hard with her so she is hiding as a way to say, "I don't want to play." Not that she didn't like him but because she didn't want to play anymore.

  4. There are times when my dog ​​chooses to sleep on the balcony rather than with me because I like it warm and he likes it cold, I turn off the AC. So I don't think it's because he doesn't love me. It's a weather problem.

  5. This is the most bullshit video ever.
    Alot of dog breeds do NOT like to cuddle (working breeds). And staring into your dogs eyes can be challenging for your dog and if they look away = they dont want to fight you. And if they are ignoring your commands then YOU AS THE OWNER haven't TRAINED the dog ….. A dog will not come with basic knowledge,,, you have to teach them.
    If they dissapear whenever you come close then they are probably scared (doesnt mean they dont love you) same with if they cant relax even tho they are in your lap. There is a thing called overstimulated/understimulated AKA to much going on OR They haven't had their outlet to be relaxed (still doesnt mean they dont love you.
    And a stressed dog won't take treats EVEN THO they love you. They are stressed, make the situation better by leaving it with your dog, and you'll see they will take treats after.
    Also when dogs doesnt allow you to take their bone/toy they probably have a thing called >RESOURCE GUARDING<
    And dogs have time where they want personal space aswell…. just because they dont want you to pet them. DOESNT mean they DONT love you.

    Just EDUCATE yourselves before getting a specific dog breed, get knowledge and info, heck even meet someone with that breed you are interested in instead of this video…..

  6. 3 years ago I was talked into getting another dog. I hadn't had a dog since I was 18yrs old and that was due to how much I loved my beagle ( Little Bit ). Whenever she died, it broke my heart. I got her when she was 5 weeks old and she died at the ago of 14.
    Well I broke my back in 3 places at work and with my wife working and the kids at school, I was very lonely and started to be distant with my family. Here I was 44yrs old and I knew I was looking for away out.
    We went to a shelter and I walked up to the kennels. All the dogs were growling and barking at me. I finally got to the last kennel and there was a puppy about 3 or 4 months old. The people who ran the place, they didn't know. Well I live in a mobile home and no real yard to talk about. So I wasn't looking for a bug dog.
    I think I'm pretty good when it comes to reading a dog. I've been around doh my entire life and I'm 47yrs old now. When we went in after picking the dog out, the woman said yeah yall are her last chance. I said last chance for what? She had paperwork showing the why the families brought her back. She wasn't house broken and would go everywhere in the house. That was the biggest complaint that they had with her.
    We get her to her new forever home and yep they were right, she went any and everywhere. Now I have patients with animals and I knew I had my work cut out for me. I had a scheduled that the family worked with. We would take her outside every hour on the hour. It seemed like it was working. Then I was sitting on the couch and had just walked her, when the wife and kids got home. She got up from my lap and went to squat to pee. I threw my shoe at her and said no, outside!!! Then there was a time when my son and her were laying on the couch. This dog was laying down on her side and just started peeing laying down. Had I not seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed it. I know when they are fixing to die they do this. But not a fully healthy dog. She had been with us for almost 6 months at this time.
    I brought her to the vet and they did an X-Ray on her backside or butt area. She had been beaten so badly that her back hips were messed up. The reason she peeing everywhere all the time, it due to the fact she has nerve damage back there. Now she's gotten feeling back in her hind butt area and no accidents. This dog has been one of the best damn animals I have ever had. She's not a full blood anything, more like that ketchup bottle says Heinz 57.
    She does one thing I don't understand with my son and I can't tell which is which. She plays with him way differently with him the me.. I know she is very protective of me and my 6yr old daughter. Don't raise your hand to us and you will be fine. Now here's where I don't know. If she sees my son walking into the room, it sounds like she's going to rip his head off. The closer he gets, the louder and faster her growl is. But then will still be wagging her tail and ears perked up. The growling I don't know about, cause it's telling a way different story. But they play together and she's a good dog.
    There was only 1 time that I had a major problem with her. I had just went to bed and fell asleep. My wife runs into the bedroom yelling for me to get up. I said what in the hell is wrong? She says to me, Day-Z just Bit my youngest daughter in the face. Oh I about lost it right then. I ran out of the bedroom to find my baby girl. Yep sure enough she has a torn eyelid that took 6 stitches to close up. If I had time right then, I was going to walk her outside and put a bullet in her brainpan. But while we were at the ER, I started seeing marks on her face. We had already told them she was bitten in the face at that time.
    I looked at my wife and asked her, did you see her bite her? She said no but she was in her face. She my daughter had a bad habit of getting in her face. I told her a hundred times to stop it. But she was 3yrs old at the time and what toddler really listens anyway. My dog pawed at her to get her out of her face and that's it. I still had animal control come out and file a report on the matter. Had to prove she had her shots and so forth.
    Anyway she's such a great and loving dog. Unless you are a person that doesn't live here and I give her treats for running off door knockers. My father in law hasn't been back since, good dog. Lol true story.

  7. just remeber when u watching this… just like humans… all dogs are diffrend, u see something here what this guy tells u, before start tinking u dong doesnt love u… just remeber that all dogs (again just like humans) do show it in diffrent ways that they love u… and a hyper energy doggo will be way more active with u… then a dog that doesnt want to jump all around…

    all in all, dont believe everything u hear from the internet…

  8. I have a 7 month Shiba Inu. They are a special ancient breed. I know she loves us, but they’re not overly affectionate like a labrador retriever.

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