Rescued, twin dogs twitched all over, were locked in a cage and abandoned

Rescued, twin dogs twitched all over, were locked in a cage and abandoned
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Hello everyone, I have been involved in stray dog rescue for many years, and I have always provided public welfare assistance at my own expense. Caring for stray animals, caring for every life that should not be given up, I hope everyone can subscribe, like, share and support us, so that we will have more confidence to continue to rescue dogs in need
#straydog #rescue #dog
Rescued, twin dogs twitched all over, were locked in a cage and abandoned
We also hope that through our videos, more people can pay attention to these poor lives and participate in our actions
#straydogs #rescue #dog


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About the Author: Bro Long Stray Dogs Shelter


  1. Creería q es una enfermedad neurologica degenerativa, se presenta en algunos perros y talves x eso los abandonaron 😢… Mal pronóstico, tienen corta vida, pero consultar con un especialista. 🙏 Se presenta en cierta raza canina.

  2. The twins are so strong n healthy they are lucky to haved u adopted them.god bless u n the twins I'm so happy n cry seeing dis vdeo wat a wonderful twins

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