Prairie dog is cute bobak marmot wild animals capybara

Prairie dog is cute bobak marmot wild animals capybara
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capybara The bobak marmot (Marmota bobak), also known as the steppe marmot, is a species of marmot that inhabits the steppes of Eastern Europe and Central Asia. It is a social animal and inhabits steppe grassland, including cultivated field borders. It hibernates for more than half the year. Litter sizes average about five offspring and it takes three years for the young marmots to reach sexual maturity. Male offspring leave the home colony after their second winter, and about 60% of mature females give birth in any one year. The fur is used to make hats and coats and a Moscow fur-farm is experimenting with breeding bobak marmots for their pelts. prairie dog


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About the Author: The Bobak Marmot


  1. 受験勉強してて、国内だけでなく、海外旅行してて、ウーバーイーツばかり頼んでて…そのお金は一体どこから??

  2. They’ve discovered a new technique of cracker extraction….. eat victims shoes, tug really hard until cracker is extracted😂

  3. 삶이 너무 짧고 정보력이 적으니 독수리나 맹수로 인해 끔찍한 고통을 당할 수 있다는 것을 간접적으로만 알지 실질적으로는 잘 모르고 살다가 갑자기 당하게 되는 안타까운 선한 동물…독수리에게 잡혀가서 새끼 둥지에 놓여져도 죽게되는 상황인 줄을 모르고 빠져나오려 하지를 않는다.

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