10 SCARY GHOST Videos That Will Haunt Your Dreams

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10 SCARY GHOST Videos That Will Haunt Your Dreams – Scary ghosts, ghosts caught on camera, poltergeists, paranormal activity, Japanese ghost videos, scary TikTok videos, paranormal investigations and ghost hunting are in this list of scary videos. And they are definitely some of the scariest videos on the internet.

In this episode of 13 scary ghost videos, you will see: 10 scary ghost videos that will haunt your dreams! These ghost videos include, scary ghost footage captured at the haunted Waverley Hills Sanatorium which viewers believe is a real ghost caught on camera. Ghost hunters record a shadow figure at a haunted graveyard. Paranormal Investigators capture mysterious floating spirits while conducting a ghost hunt in a haunted house. An urban explorer catches a creepy shadow figure inside an abandoned haunted ghost house. A scary moment is recorded during a live stream between paranormal investigators. A scary TikTok video shows a terrifying moment which left viewers petrified. Poltergeist activity is caught on camera inside a haunted house. Plus many more scary videos! These are 10 SCARY GHOST Videos That Will Haunt Your Dreams



00:00 – Intro
00:04 – 10 SCARY GHOST Videos That Will Haunt Your Dreams
21:09 – Outro


MINDJUNKIE brings you the best ghost videos, paranormal activity, paranormal investigations, ghost hunting, scary things caught on camera, haunted houses, scary tiktok ghost videos, apparitions, poltergeists, demons, shadow figures, supernatural events, and unexplained footage. Anything mysterious caught on camera!

10 SCARY GHOST Videos That Will Haunt Your Dreams

#scary #ghost #creepy

If you enjoyed this video make sure you check out TOP 30 SCARIEST GHOST Videos of the YEAR That Will Give You Nightmares! https://youtu.be/GPV4XTJYBcU

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About the Author: MINDJUNKIE


  1. Ghosts spirits demons cloaked aliens…whatever they are, they do exist and the ones you see out of the corner of your eye or quickly looking around, they move with lines of the building with the shadows.

    ex. If there is an open door casting a shadow on the wall they move IN and OUT or up and down the shadow when they don't wanna be seen. I know it.
    It could even be an open drawer casting a shadow on the wall or floor. It could be a recliner casting a shadow on the lower wall. Of course they can move in light too.
    People usually thought they saw something but thinks it was just that shadow of whatever is casting it probably moving with the changing light as they come into a room or perspective of how their looking, so you don't think anymore about it.

  2. Another good video!! I follow pain dice and what's going on with the paranormal in his house someone did witchcraft on him he has moved 3 times and it followed him. He got a cleanse to remove it and it worked but the person who is doing this has said to him no matter what he does they are going to keep putting it back on him

  3. No normal person walks through their house in the dark with their camera to record what's making noise. They would turn the lights on. I personally would grab a gun, turn on the lights, and investigate without giving my camera a second thought.

  4. #6 the woman with the black shadow hand on her shoulder better cleanse her place and get rid of it cause all the black shadow’s are demons and they can tormented her. She has a attachment are hard to get rid of the sooner the better they do not play around. Before and after people who goes into hunted places needs to cleansed themself especially afterwards so no evil can not follow you home.

  5. Nice channel. I like how the editing moves along at a good clip while still narrating well with all the background info (where, when, who) Thank you for not using AI/robotic voice! I'm looking forward to watching more 😊

  6. Thanks alot!🤨 You scared the s@#t out of me and i got to go take a shower, and close my eyes when I shampoo my hair, and get water in my ears while I wash them, and oh nevermind, I'll wait till the morning 🥺😱

  7. Super Creepy videos this week 😱 but why oh why, do idiot's open the doors to scary as apparitions because I'm yelling don't open the freaking door and……..The guy with the baby, who's got a spook in his closet needs to get the house blessed asap, because they feed off fear and get meaner.😱 Loved the last 2 videos, they were off the charts 📈📈😱. Thanks MJ🖤💀🖤☠️🖤

  8. Hey guys, any1 else think at 5 the face in drain is the spit of D Spykers latest attic visitor? Cuz I do n they don't look quite human to me, V F creepy!!

  9. There's only one way to see if those hands & faces were ghosts looking through the glass into the houses of those two people, and that is a .50 Cal point blank. POW!! If it's a ghost or something paranormal, there won't be anyone laying on the floor dead or bleeding when they open the door. LOL

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