Whistleblower FINALLY Showed UFO Evidence Previously Hidden From Us

Whistleblower FINALLY Showed UFO Evidence Previously Hidden From Us
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  1. Houston copy nothing good.DISCLOSURE's Donna Hare's YTube channel has a few rates Dr G charges for a few hours to get close w/him. $10,000-$25,000 & you can get to spend the night with Him (🎉) & see the same night sky, doing as you're TOLD to BY THE G. A NON-PROFIT? Only 10K?-$25K

  2. My question is if there so advanced they should be able to bypass governments and just reveal themselfs…but they dont. This tells me there more indiffrent to humans than anything.

  3. Yes people are seeing these things.
    But they are a deception!!
    At the time of the rapture when the saved christians are taken up , Satan doesn't want the unsaved people to cry out to be saved so he is doing all this paranormal trickery so people will say that they must have been obducted. Read the new Bible .❤️
    Satan is behind all the paranormal, orbs, siteings .

    Daze of Deception #1

    Daze of Deception #2

  4. How come the aliens never abduct anyone who’s in jail doing time and then the prisoners are left in the woods somewhere I would meditate till the aliens abducted me would of been the greatest prison escape if I was in jail lol

  5. Bible talks of an alien races and long ago there were many of these tribes of giants the Anukai, Anakim, the Amalekites, Amorites, Anakims, Emim, the Rephaim, and the Zamzummim There are actually 36 tribes of giants in the ancient biblical accounts. And there are 32 names of individual giants mentioned in the bible. There called the Nephilim and were also called the Star People or the Watchers. Book of Enoch mentions them as well. They came to the earth long ago and they were attracted to women and desired them and bore them children which became the Nephilim or the Giants of old, that are mentioned just before the Flood account in Genesis 6:4, which states: The Nephilim were on the earth in those days—and also afterward—when the sons of God went into the daughters of men, who bore children to them they became the men of renown they were responsible for the ancient monolith's all over the world that shows incredible technologies. Not every bible college taught on these things a matter of fact few ever did, but it does exist in the bible. https://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2012/12/36-tribes-of-giants-in-the-bible-and-around-the-world-2515152.html

  6. Mr Greer said something one time that really stuck with me and it had to do with geo politics more the ETS or UAPS. He said if both sides of an argument are right then we are being manipulated.

  7. Apparently, the government is afraid to lose control over people. For the government to stoop so low as to make a sernerio of extraterrestrials being hostle towards humans that's not good. I hope humanity doesn't fall for it. Even the Elites would probably stoop this low and Religious leaders and religious organizations. The Elite, religious leaders, government want people to be afraid of them. All because they are afraid of losing control over people. That's just probably because of greed and money or financial gain. If humanity started trusting in extraterrestrials and started being friends with extraterrestrials and received help from extraterrestrials, then I am sure that the government, religious leaders and religions, and the elite wouldn't like that at all.
    Well, we will see what happens.

  8. Anyone who moves in these upper circles, speaking of seeing bobble headed aliens, life on mars, other planets, are all talking hog s*%t! Its called building a narrative for the extremely gullible. Think about it. So called alien encounters, aliens communicate telepathically only, never in speech, and then vanish into thin air. Hold on, encounters with evil spirits, same characteristics show up?Hmmm🤔 Mars the planet and life on Mars. I can see the moon, Mars is allegedly the closest to the Moon, glowing red, but you can't ever see it, ever!Mmmm🤔 Ah, the ever elusive advanced technology and alien spaceships shrouded in secrecy. If one looks deeper, one sees that this technology is patented and previously researched and documented as parts, but up in the big ole blue sky one only gets to see the whole not knowing the theoretical framework and blueprints of how the parts assimilate into the whole…Mmmm🤔I smell more hog s*&t seasoned, cooked and simmered to perfection! Remove the tin foil hats people, only sheep tend to wear these. Who am I kidding here, right? Perhaps Star Wars is a documentary…not!!!😂

  9. Since all the sightings are near military bases or naval ships, I have my doubts. I think the U.S. Military is a lot more comfortable having us believe that they are aliens than the possibility that it might be advanced drones from our government or one of our foes.

  10. Good video. People, stop claiming aliens exist. There is no evidence. Just because you like to think that your own importance is such that aliens will be revealed during your lifetime does not make aliens real. The same with Climate Change. Vain and smug people claim that their importance is such that the world will end during their lifetimes. It's a human syndrome as old as civilization.

  11. There sure are lots of people still believing this junk!
    These are demonic creatures they fell from heaven to earth so as to play parlour tricks and foolery on programmed people. Never a true Christian has ever said any different. People will perish for lack of knowledge. The knowledge you only get from Yahweh and Yeshua. Amen.

  12. mr greer has no visual proof of alien or uap whatsoever is so disturbing if anyone is to believe his story but a good amount of ppl actually believe the fairy tale he provide. Even if it's real that 'd purely be v.v.v.demonic

  13. I believe we can be the only beings look at us from earth humans are different from spiders
    We are all different remain open minded anything is possible xx

  14. John Edward Mack was assassinated for his research on extraterrestrials as was former CIA scientist Schneider for alerting common people about collaboration between the US government and malevolent aliens experimenting on humans at the Roswell UFO crash site. The Russian Roswell site is Kapustin yar. What does Dr Geer have to say about these malevolent aliens at Roswell and their collaboration with the US government and about the Sumerian tablets which tell of how extraterrestrials from planet nibiru genetically engineered humans as a slave species from ape-like to be exploited?
    Dr 🐲🐾

  15. Very Stupid! The United States it is not the only country that have experienced the phenomena of the UFO's. I have seen them!!!!. Other countries have seen them, in Europe and South America. On purpose they are the ones that do not want to connect to us. People in Earth have seen them for centuries.

  16. I believe there is life out there, but I can't help feeling somewhat skeptical, about their presents. If there are them who are looking to impose hostile actions against none human beings, Then such people are engaging in activity outside human morality, and should not be in any position of authority.

  17. They are going to blame an alien abduction on the rapture. Watch. You guys didn't believe in aliens now you. Do you guys won't believe Jesus is real till it happens. Believe now

  18. Ok the government has made these movies to help them mKe us the civilization belive that they are hostile so we as the human race would be ready to fight them cause they will not allow our government to do particular things outside our earth world such as, like build another breathable world to live on or to retrieve war like supplies off of another planet for our world to have certain weapons that we do not have now

  19. Lmfao ! I believe in aliens but this guy is a real nut job . It frustrates me that we all have to pay millions in tax dollars for his stupid law suits !!!!

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