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About the Author: EYL Media


  1. This Is Scripture…
    Messiah VERSES Magog/Mother Russia + Hogs
    They WILL Be Destroyed in Mideast War
    This September—Hope For Rapture To Heaven
    —AMEN !

  2. Russia only cares about its dictadors.. they treat anyone not in the loop like slaves that are crap. Theeeey dont love u….

    I do though.
    Nato is for the people.

    Ur going 2 have a goverment in this world pick the best…..

  3. Ukraine should make an armed decoy cargo ship. When they are stopped for inspection, unleash anti ship and anti air missiles and follow up with boarding parties where possible.

    Air support should follow but the decoy should be abandoned with escape boats and set on a kamikaze run towards Russian controlled waters. Let it be boarded and then self destruct it.

  4. Viva. Ukrania. Libre. Del. Dictador. Comunista. Rusos. Putin. Asesino de. Civiles y de. Matar. Mujeres enbarasadas en. Hospitales y. 👭. Ninos. , Putin. Pagara. Todos. Sus. Crimenes. De. Guerra muy. Pronto. Le. Llegara. Justicia de. Dios pronto y. Bera. Putin. Que. No puede. Es. Un. Biejo sin. Respeto. Y. Si. Derecho a. Hacer tantas. Matanzas. En la. Guerra. Pagaras. Putin te. Olbistes. Que el. Dueno es el. Creador. No es solo tuyo. , Biejo. Manipulador ,,,,se te. Acabara todo. Tus. Pataleos de nino. Malcriado. Se te. Acaba el pataleo ,,👎👎👎😂. ,, 🛂🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏. ,❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️👭👪😩😯🥺😲😮😦😧😩🙋✋👍✡️🇮🇱🇺🇲🇺🇦🇮🇱😮🇨🇦🇺🇦🇦🇺

  5. Denmark 🇩🇰 is giving Ukraine 🇺🇦 19 F-16 and 6 of these F-16 is coming to Ukraine in New Years eve 😂😂😂

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