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About the Author: DOCTOR. 2018


  1. I always find it funny when “gangsters” friends have to jump in and save there friends then they act like they won fair and square y’all are pussy as bitches

  2. Bro In the fight at 2:56 The teens think they allat and think they rule the world so they beat on innocence people killing them, The man died, and the teens got arrested, the teens threw there life away for a video😢😢 very sad.

  3. #20 gotta be the grossest one of these ive seen. Bro hit a girl, started stomping on his head and there's trash flying everywhere

  4. First video!!! They are all gangsters until being dropped on their heads!! Then the rest of the wanna be gangsters just stare as he sleeps! N 😂😂😂😂😂

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