REAL Paranormal Event Caught On Camera

Spread The Viralist

I recorded something very strange in my apartment.

#paranormal #ghost #real


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About the Author: VicariousNick


  1. This is fake. First off he's standing to the side of the camera so that you can perfectly see the hallway, second he only allows you to see half of the door while the side with the handle is conveniently blocked by his door frame. Either somebody was inside the room and slipped out quickly where you can't see it, or they were always in the hall and just opened and slammed the door before moving out of sight.

  2. So my issue is this. Real life paranormal or unexplainable things happen every day to people who don't ask for it. It effects their relationships (my friends would call their parents to come pick them up because my house scared them) If you fake this activity it only makes it harder for people who need help or validation for their own experiences.

  3. if it's fake it is well done. if it's real… sit down without a camera and try to find out who it is and what's the pupose of it's visit.

  4. Seems like this person is having fun. The door opened and he didn't hear it? Thre camera picked it up, which means he was able to hear it loud n clear! Not sure what that was at the end either!

  5. Enough already – I know you want there to be something, but c"mon – nope. If there were something present which is following you and closing doors, the mere fact that it hasn't hurt you means it doesn't want to or is protecting you. Have you ever thought that it is you who is making things happen. I don't mean you are setting things up to move, on the contrary. Perhaps you are somehow controlling movement beyond yourself. Pretty cool huh?!

  6. Rule 1: No one films themselves left or right of center unless it's a setup for the viewer to see something. Legit filming is done with the subject in the center of the frame.

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