Annoying People as a Little Kid (Gorilla Tag VR)

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Please subscribe and like the video as it would help a lot, I’m trying to become a gorilla tag creator and that would mean the world to me.
Comment below if you want me to do more voice trolling.

Today I voice troll as a massive jmancurly fan on the VR Oculus Quest 2 game called Gorilla Tag. I came across people in the VMT and jmancurly discord servers looking for people to play with. Their reactions were priceless so make sure to stick around to the end. There are multiple ways to play Gorilla tag such as SideQuest, Steam, and on oculus app lab.

I do not own any green screen overlays, pictures, background music, or sound effects used in this video.


mario kart x wii x reeses puffs

lets do OK!

animal crossing 9am
Monkeys Spinning Monkeys by Kevin
MacLeod is Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0…

magnolia x pimp named slickback remix

love you guys 🙂


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About the Author: Elliot


  1. You may not be the number ladder player but your the number 1 gorilla tag youtuber😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  2. As the day bleeds into night fall when your not here i will get it through it all i let my gard down you pull the rug and i was geting used to being someone you loved

  3. 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗 Hialeah I'm just wanting to let you know I'm going to try meeting you sometime soon the code will be your name please join I'm a really really really really really really really big fan of you

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