TERRIFYING Trail Cam Footage That SHOCKED The World!

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Today’s list features all sorts of creepy creatures and strange phenomena captured on cameras from all over the world. We have eerie swamp monsters, skinwalkers, ghosts, even a Siren Head, and then there are strange phenomena in the form of strange lights in the sky and orbs that no one can explain. All that and more in this fascinating video featuring terrifying trail cam footage that shocked the world. Make sure to watch the video till the end and check out our number one pick because that might just be the weirdest thing ever captured on a trail cam.


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About the Author: Captured Files


  1. A Walking DeComPosing Body… It's got ALL THE ELEMENTs Of A DeComPosed Dead PerSon…👽👺🤔🧐🤨👿🥴😲👻😨😱👹🤢🤮💯%×-

  2. I quit @ 6:16. "Etched in your brain". "Nightmare fuel". …How freakin secluded are you? OR How secluded do you think WE are? This is so pathetic. I'd be surprised if you make it much longer w/ this crap. Unless this was made for TWEENS. If that's the case, I apologize. Or if you're a teen/tween yourself.

  3. You kept showing that creature in the trash, every time you went past it, my heart stopped and stopped and stopped. Thank goodness you finally stop going past it.

  4. Father hangs back and shouts “get away from him” 😂 what a load of BS. It’s not like they were a million miles away from him could have ran up to them, filmed the conehead and got his kids. These fake videos are hilarious. 😂

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