Hardy's story – Wolf howling stray puppy looking for mom was rescued from the dump/ Full Video

Hardy's story - Wolf howling stray puppy looking for mom was rescued from the dump/ Full Video
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Hardy was a stray puppy found searching for food in a garbage dump. He kept howling just like a wolf cub, maybe was calling his mom or siblings. But as rescuer waited for some time, no other dogs apeared. After a full meal of meat, he was taken home for the first bath.

In the days that followed, Hardy was restless and seemed to be looking for his mother. When he was taken to an area near the garbage dump, he showed interest in this particular environment. This is probably where he used to live. He kept searching around and insisted on staying here and refused to leave. But his mother never showed up. Finally, he chose to go back with the rescuer.

The good news is that under careful care, Hardy finally walked out of the shadow of losing his mother. He is living a peaceful new life in a warm adoptive family. Please watch the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fbjD0uACmH0


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About the Author: paws town


  1. Hardy was a stray puppy founded searching for food in a garbage dump. He kept howling just like a wolf, maybe was calling his mom or siblings. But as rescuer waited for some time, no other dogs apeared. After a full meal of meat, he was taken home for the first bath.

    In the days that followed, Hardy was restless and seemed to be looking for his mother. When he was taken to an area near the garbage dump, he showed interest in this particular environment. This is probably where he used to live. He kept searching around and insisted on staying here and refused to leave. But his mother never showed up.

    The good news is that Hardy finally walked out of the shadow of losing his mother.

  2. 세계적으로 쓰레기 때문에 문제지요. 저런곳에 유기하다니 인간으로써 할짓인가요
    어린것을 저지경으로 만들어 놓고 있나요.
    참으로 어이가없내 구해주셔서 고맙고 감사
    합니다. ❤❤❤아가야 꽃길만 걷기를 빈다.

  3. Giving shower in that dirty water n before that giving a puppy adult food which he ws unable to eat n poor baby was thirsty too kindly give him baby food n water

  4. 2年前にこの動画を見て、又久方にYouTubeサムネイルが入って来たので拝見し、それまでに数えきれないほど野良パピー達の不幸動画を見てきましたが、この動画が素晴らしい作品であることを改めて理解しました。映像撮影も人の足音や周りの環境音など母犬を恋しがって啼く様子などの音響、この犬の不幸状況をよく描いてます。又再度元の自然野に綺麗になった子犬を置いて、遠くから様子を伺う撮影映像は哀愁的です。もうこのパピーも大きくなったでしょうね。その後この犬の成れの果ても見せて欲しいところです。これで3度目のコメント投稿ですがこの映像の大フアンです。

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