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About the Author: YouTube Movies


  1. Sam: Kate, there was over one million people out there tonight and you saved them all.
    But I am sorry to tell you that you are going to be extradited to the UK to be tried for
    Bill's murder.

  2. I love that reference , “ I know you have a thing for the underworld! “ made me tear up cuz I FUCKING LOVE THE UNDERWORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. This was terrific film, great filming, cast was superb and an excellent storyline. This is the kind of movie the bigger the screen the better it looks !

  4. I definitely enjoyed this movie. A lot of action and not a lot of slow parts. I was pleasantly surprised the first time I saw it.

  5. Incredible cast highlights this high stakes thriller! As usual, Pierce Brosnan stands out, this time as a real baddie! Well done on every level!

  6. You know the way this should have ended is she telling the Ambassador to pack sand. I quit and going to a company as security specialist making 4 times what I make now. That is our country today, use and abuse the most talented and brightest who only want to serve.

  7. Of course I’m gonna watch it but it’s pretty obvious sly got what was left in the barrel and then looked in the dumpster and finally found enough people to be in the movie.

  8. LOVED IT, MILLA JOVOVICH WAS AWESOME AS ALWAYS. Great to know that American Law Enforcement has stopped many terrorist attacks in New York City, from the time movie was done. I'm hoping they continue protecting the different cities everywhere. Thank you, YouTube for placing the movie free to watch. God bless

  9. This movie is so mysoginistic, all to make the men look superior. The script made Kate into an idiot. She took so many missteps as a trained agent. I expected a stronger and savvy agent.

  10. They made that restaurant bomb look like a tank round and why would bill keep 2 rounds in his pistol magazine. Stupid movie bs.

  11. ​​​@richardfegley254? ?
    got this resp from him
    ("100 thumbs down"…)

    Me: 👇👇👇👇👇👇


    So I responded with this.
    Truthfully? It's been longer than a year now.

    Thanks to YOUR BS commentary???



    for all your 💩💩ty negativity.👍👍👍👍

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