15 Structure Demolitions GONE WRONG

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Sometimes older buildings and structures need to be demolished, to clear space for new buildings. Usually demolitions go as planned, but sometimes mistakes do happen. Let’s take a look at some structure demolitions gone wrong!

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  1. 5 Structure Demolitions GONE WRONG=Osho You dissolve yourself into the whole, and if the situation needs assertion, you will not be asserting; the whole will be asserting. You will not be less, you will be more. You will not be alone, you will be supported by the whole=Osho one of the greatest contributions of Indian spirituality to the world. Life is a school. You have to learn the lesson. The lesson is freedom. If you don't learn it you will be sent back to the same school, to the same grade again and again, he has to fulfill his karmas, pay debts, finish all accounts, close all accounts opened in many lives. Reincarnation, I know it is truth. You will fall in the ditch you have dug for others. Beware of it!=Osho Intelligence is the quality of your awareness — more aware, more intelligent. And if you are totally aware, you are as intelligent as this whole existence=Osho URGENTLY needs the fourth door.The Universal Mind=CAPITALISTS; COMMUNISTS; CALIPHATES;IDEOLOGIES TO COSMIC;MIND;ILLUMINATION =Osho bow to the Universal law,(E=MC2 H2O) persons can be whimsical=Osho be materialists (MERITOCRACIES; MILITARIES; LIFENEEDS; GOODS) and spiritualists(HOMES; WOMEN; 2;CHILD; ELDERS;FAMIILES; LIFENEEDS; CASH) simultaneously, in a balanced way. Osho Meditation is a Scientific Methodology (E=MC2 H2O)=MILITARY;INDUSTRIAL;COMPLEXES; BILLIONAIRES TO LIFENEEDS; INDUSTRIAL;COMPLEXES; BILLIONFOLD-2;CHILD; WOMEN;SENIORS;LIFENEEDS;CASH;COUPONS=India's Supreme Court Asks Police to Register and Investigate Case of Alleged Sexual Abuse of Top Wrestlers-April 26, 2023= THE;KERALA;STORY =THE;UGANDA;STORY=Osho India invaders take over their beautiful women– will come home; want to come home, but goes against ego to recognize not at home already false, phony= MUMTAZ;75;INDIA; BILLIONS; HUMANITY; SPIRITUAL; SUPERSTAR; UGANDA; LAW; COLONIAL;SLAVE; MODEL;MARRIAGE TO OSHO;CREATE; TRANSCENDENTAL; MAN; UNIVERSE;LAW; MESSENGER; SAI;67; SPIRITUAL;MARRIAGE= INDIA;BILLIONS;HUMANITY;AATMA;GRAHAN;DARK;NIGHT;OF;SOULS TO INDIA;BILLIONS; HUMANITY; AATMA;GRACE; GIFT; GODLINESS; ;SALVATION;OF;SOULS=Osho URGENTLY needs the fourth door.The Universal Mind=CAPITALISTS; COMMUNISTS; CALIPHATES;IDEOLOGIES TO COSMIC;MIND;ILLUMINATION =Osho bow to the Universal law,(E=MC2 H2O) persons can be whimsical=Osho be materialists (MERITOCRACIES; MILITARIES; LIFENEEDS; GOODS) and spiritualists(HOMES; WOMEN; 2;CHILD; ELDERS;FAMIILES; LIFENEEDS; CASH) simultaneously, in a balanced way. Osho Meditation is a Scientific Methodology (E=MC2 H2O)=GOVT;TAXES TO GOVT;TASKS-BORROWING TO BALANCING-BILLIONAIRE TO BILLIONFOLD-INVISIBLE;FINANCE;BUDGET TO LIVE;TRACKING; CREDIT;DEBIT; FINANCE; BUDGET-DESIRES TO NEEDS-1;DIMENSIONAL TO 3;DIMENSIONAL=STOCKS; MARKETS; SPECULATION;NUMBERS TO SPIRITUALISTS;MATERIALISTS; SIMULTANEOUSLY;FAMILY;MEMBERS= NEW;START;NUCEAR;TREATY TO NEW;SANTA;CLAUS; GOODS;FRIDAY;TREATY MILITARY;INDUSTRIAL;COMPLEX TO LIFENEEDS;INDUSTRIAL; COMPLEX= BALLOONS;SATELLITES; GOOGLE;MAP; LIVE;TRACKING=INDIVISIBLE;SECURITY;GUARANTEE=Osho 'Government’ are those who are responsible for the well-being of everybody and make decisions accordingly.=Osho Humanity has come now to a crossroads. We have lived the one-dimensional man, we have exhausted it. We need now a more enriched human being, three-dimensional. I call them three C's, The first C is consciousness, the second C is compassion, the third C is creativity. Consciousness is being, compassion is feeling, creativity is action, has to be all the three simultaneously. I am giving you the greatest challenge ever given, the hardest task to be fulfilled.=Osho Needs are very simple: one needs food, one needs a shelter – small things but they can fulfil infinitely. Needs are simple and few, desires are infinite. Needs can be fulfilled very easily and then you can become so satisfied and so content that your whole being becomes a prayer of gratitude. But desires are there in millions, and they cannot be fulfilled.=Osho not creating a new religion philosophy or theology, but a new man, consciousness, vision, humanity, joyous healthy blissful, come out of your old, rotten ideologies=Osho Man is entering into a new phase; a new consciousness is to dawn=Osho Spirituality is the greatest richness that can happen to a man, and it contains all other richnesses=Osho Give people some new spiritual awakening. That is revolution=GUN;SWORD;CRUCIFIXTION;CALENDER-B.C-A.D-YEAR;2023 To GOD;SUN;RESURRECTION;CALENDER-E=MC2-H2O-YEAR;1

    Osho only thing that I am interested in is that my people should attain to the state from where they cannot fall I cannot give you anything more precious

    Osho The darkness can be very old, ancient, millions of years old, but just a small candle is enough to dispel it

    Osho Unless ego is dropped your politics talent success will be criminal, you will succeed on the failures of many by destroying many=

    Osho The world needs purely religious consciousness, with no adjectives attached, unifying vision, a synthesis, Upanishadic approach–all is One

    Osho Meditation means wholeness. And this wholeness is the benediction, the beatitude, the blessing, a man should be just human — total, whole. And out of that wholeness will arise a new kind of health=

    Osho be objective; create something which can help a wandering humanity to come to a resting place=

    Osho the energy that was creating problem goes back to the cosmos

    Osho citizens need dignity individuality certain sense of direction into eternity. That is missing =Osho Give people some new spiritual awakening. That is revolution=

    Osho Love takes the responsibility on itself.=Osho Love is the only phenomenon which knows no space, distance, time=Osho love solves everything, depth of love=Osho Reincarnation, I know it is truth=Osho everybody has a destiny to fulfill. And until you fulfill that destiny, you will never feel fulfilled. You can have much money, but fulfillment will not come through it. You can have much sex; fulfillment will not come through it. You can have much power; fulfillment will not come through it. Fulfillment comes only when you have fulfilled a certain destiny that you were carrying, that was coded within you, that was deep in your blueprint. Unless you have become that for which you were made — unless you have attained to being — you will never be fulfilled. Fulfillment is peace, fulfillment is bliss, fulfillment is contentment. And only a fulfilled heart can pray, because only a fulfilled heart can be grateful and can feel the grace descending: the spirit of God= TAUFIQ;TRANSCENDENCE-TAJ;2;LOVE-RAM;SITA;MAHARANI-ROMEO;JULIET-NIULANG;ZHINU-=TASK-SUN;E=MC2;H2O ;3C; 3D;3M;CIVILIZATION—twitter – saifuddin taher rassiwalla https://twitter.com/saifudd05242661?lang=en

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