Invasive Species Reshaping Our World | Human Footprint | Full Episode | PBS

Invasive Species Reshaping Our World | Human Footprint | Full Episode | PBS
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Invasive species are reshaping the world’s ecosystems, but who’s really to blame? Shane wrestles a python, hunts Hawaiian pigs, and gets sucker-punched by a carp to answer the question: in the Age of Humans, how does our species decide what belongs?

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Human Footprint with Shane Campbell-Staton:
Earth has never experienced anything like us: a single species dominating and transforming the planet. Biologist Shane Campbell-Staton travels the globe to explore our Human Footprint and to discover how the things we do reveal who we truly are.

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#invasivespecies #carpfishing #python #horses


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  1. I've heard that some states are using birth control as a means of slowing down the wild population instead of outright killing like with the horses why not give X number of male horses a clip of the, you know and the same thing with female horses then re release like they do feral cats they fix them and release them.

  2. I'm glad he said he had to dig deeper, because we have now recognized that horses were here, and not "ranging cattle", but in smaller numbers. The animals that prey on these kinds of animals have been hunted to extinction themselves and need to be included in the picture.

  3. You're living my dream! Living vicariously through your farm and fishing adventures. My wife and I are even looking at buying land there in Washington state. Thanks for taking us along on your adventures!

  4. I have more than 60 starlings in my yard right now! I do feed birds, most of which are still native to my northwest area, as well as a few exotic summer visitors, like the flame colored Western Tanager. The starlings arent always here, fortunately.

  5. 6:53 maybe instead of killing them something can be done quickly to their "reproductive system" to stop the "population" from growing.

  6. Doesn't it seem kind of racist for you guys to call that black guy in your video thumbnail an "invasive species". What kind of far-left, white supremacists is PBS hiring nowadays!!! I can't believe my tax dollars are being put towards this disgusting hate speech.

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