ROBLOX DOORS | All Guiding Messages

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Guiding Light

This is a game on Roblox that goes by the title “Doors”. One of the recently released hit games on Roblox.

What is Doors? 🚪🛎

Doors is a game that takes place in a hotel. You travel through tons of doors and are greeted upon a new room every time. As you travel through the rooms, you will encounter hostile entities. You can die by these hostile entities and when greeted by death screen, a series of messages are shown to you after that tell you what has ended your gameplay and how you can successfully beat/survive the entity the next time you encounter it.

Video about? 👁‍🗨

This video will show you ALMOST EVERY SINGLE message that you are shown after dying.

✨Missing Messages✨

Seek: You seem to have gotten lost again. | You must look both ways very quickly. | If you do not see the real door on neither the left nor right, it must be the door ahead.

Rush: What a predicament…. You died to Rush, because you couldn’t hide. | Remember, you only have to hide once Rush is near.

Ambush: You died to who you call Ambush, because you couldn’t hide. | Ambush and Hide prove to be a tricky duo. | Remember; you don’t have to hide when Ambush is away!

You couldn’t hide from Ambush again. | I know it may seem difficult, but trust me, you will get the hang of this! You will need to hop in and out of your hiding spot.

Where is Timothy? 🕷

Timothy can NOT kill you –


Try the game here 👇

Like the music? Listen here 👇


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About the Author: KevinDice25