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About the Author: Ugo Lord: Modern Age Attorney


  1. Drinks do nothing if your gonna risk getting caught up at Least throw some pennies. I don’t know how good it would work going that slow but on a highway you gotta do some serious damage.

  2. So they threw a drink and what did the other do? They didn’t crash into a other car and it looks like they threw something but idk

  3. The Honda threw a can at the other car, then they returned the Honda 's trash back to them! So that was karma for the Honda, don't throw trash at people on the road! You and your car become trash. No crash 😅😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  4. When reality is unfortunate. The a$$holes in the vehicle behind, then to the left, need some serious shaming for their childish instigative behavior. 🤣

  5. Just stupid to act like that in traffic. You look like you draw the shorter straw. But you will be the smart one avoiding any unnecessary fights.

  6. Such immaturity on both sides. No adults in any of the parties involved. They need Parental Supervision when our in public.

  7. So, if I have this correct, the Honda is liable to the car in front of him because he rear ended the vehicle however, the car next to the Honda is guilty of battery for throwing the objects at him, whereas roaming the objects back was self-defense

  8. Shouldn't the driver be looking at where he's driving? You can text and drive for a reason, you should pay attention at was in front of you if you're moving, even if you're walking, not all the sidewalk it's even, you could trip and fall.

  9. I had road rage guy behind me. he was tail gating pissed off I wasn't going fast enough for him. traffic was stopped ahead so I waited until I got REAL close and quickly changed lanes. I felt bad watching him in my rearview mirror slam into the guy stopped but he deserved it

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