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About the Author: We Love Animals


  1. Cuántos ese es mi sueño pero como aquí hay que ser rico para tener muchos animales la comida y tenerlos sanos te sale muy caro y yo no tengo 🤔🙄

  2. The cats are just informing their comfort and sustenance service provider that they now require an upgrade on their current plan.

  3. Weird video. Those are barn cats, not true feral cats. And they're not hollering and leading her to come and "see" something, they're hollering for food and going to where their food bowls are. And the kittens are already several weeks old , not the least bit afraid of her, and also obviously waiting for food, so why pretend they are a "surprise"?.

  4. I do this too!!! And they will yell at you for more food. We have 3 regulars, 1 drop by and eat, and a Mommy with 3 babies. Apparently my garage is the neighborhood maternity hospital. 3 of them have been here for a while and I can pet them and scratch behind their ears. They are feral- but- 🤷🏼‍♀️

  5. Really cute. I just hope she called a local rescue org to have every last one of them spayed and neutered so they could all live their best feral lives.

  6. I love people who help animals. Best people on the planet.
    I do wish though that those cats were fixed because it leads to unnecessary or at least very unfortunate lives for nearly all of them.

  7. So they had kittens and their eyes opened and could walk a day later ? It don’t these cats get fed daily

  8. "Feral" barn cats are leading this woman to their food dish that she hadn't filled yet that day… How much do you want to bet that this is a daily routine? Why else would she have her camera out in anticipation of filming the kittens?
    I hate to be a Debbie downer, but people don't actually believe this click bait, do they?

  9. Um, I find it hard to believe that this is the first time she has been aware of them… they look to be a few weeks old, not newborns.🙀😻😸

  10. Humans: My cat is totally plotting to kill me.

    Cats: try to involve humans when kittens are born, because they're family.

  11. Just as Im hoping she had these cats neutered to prevent more cats living in abject misery….she says they have a "SURPRISE!" Omg! 😢

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