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About the Author: Eyewitness News


  1. The goverment experimenting not everything is natural I've seen videos of NASA creating artificial clouds that rain,and with the world crazy as it is who knows what is natural and unatural anymore.

  2. but its time to worship true god who never fails who also mennage to stop isivunguvungu olwandle the very same god who mennaged to make israelists to cross red sea by the way where was shembe being our god who was supposed to controll god himself and protect inanda residents where he leaves

  3. Eyewitnesses news. I hope with this videos that you going to provide those people who has suffered/effects with the storm. Your views will carry some cost.

  4. God was just reminding his children that they must not get comfortable living in those shacks because those shacks are NOTHING! You can see how the tornado blew the shacks high above ground like they are just some toilet paper when in fact they are metal. Heed the warnings, donnot be stubborn.

  5. why is crying u pay no water bills or electrity bills or anything u squat ,loot, plunder & do all the other illegal things you can just do all those things again and u wont go to jail cuz south africa is fucked since 1994

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