Real Asian Ghost! Caught on Camera! (18+)

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Real Asian Ghost! Caught on Camera!
18+ only.

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Kuyang is an invisible ghost in the form of a human head with a sticky body and limbs that can fly to find the blood of a baby or the blood of a woman after giving birth. This creature is known to the community in Borneo. Kuyang is actually a human (woman) who demands the teachings of black art to achieve eternal life.

The Kuyang is a nocturnal female spirit of Southeast Asian folklore. It manifests itself as a woman, usually young and beautiful, with her internal organs hanging down from the neck, trailing below the head.

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#penanggal #kuyang #paranormal


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About the Author: IS95 TV


  1. GOOD NEWS, Krasue, Kuyang, or whatever you call it, is scared of spiky things such as "lime spikes" because its intestine might get stuck and it could not escape.

  2. I know that the theory is very real but the thing you have shown here in the video.. is that real? Or just a fake statue to show that how do krasue/kuyang look?

  3. People keep asking if this is real. This is real. The name of this ghost is Kuyang, Krasue, Balan-balan, Penanggal, and many other name different name in different countries (Asia especially).

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