Navy Vet Reacts to Zach's Gun Rants Compilation by mikeburnfire Part 1

Navy Vet Reacts to Zach's Gun Rants Compilation by mikeburnfire Part 1
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I finally got around to the gun rants. Honestly, pretty entertaining for not having a whole lot of knowledge about guns. Thanks for watching and enjoy. Also, this video probably won’t get monetized because of the word gun. So, that’s how that goes I guess.


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About the Author: CinesterCharlie


  1. With the Famas situation if you look it up, it makes the NRA look even more racist and ironically anti capitalist.

    Basically around the time the Famas entered the American market was around the time the AR-15 first hit the American market. At the time both the gun and ammo were cheaper than the AR-15 and it’s amno. For 2 years 2 gun lobbyists companies tried to ban the sale of the Famas, the G36, and copper case bullets. Majority of people that purchased the Famas were part of the Black Panthers after governor Regan of California at the time banned the sell of “Assault Rifles” and “auto” guns. When congress found out who purchased the most of these guns, the guns got a ban on sales from outside America. If it is already here you can still buy but not from outside.

    When Regan became president he put loopholes on Chinese and India guns and amno.

  2. I have used AAAAAAAALL of these guns. My uncle who was a marine has a license for the full auto ones, and maaaaaaaan flipping the giggle switch on some of them is a TREAT. I love most of these guns, the Mateba and the PKM and the AUG in particular.

  3. 9:09 someone once told me that having a pistol pointed at you is a scarier threat in the Middle East as opposed to bigger weapons because it signifies executions and a clear intent to kill. I heard there was this one CO that had EVERYONE in his unit issued pistol just because it had that effect, too bad they took them away later because Army and its infinite wisdom lol 🤣

  4. Ok, now I understand the videos of Humvee gunners drawing their M9's on Iraqi tailgaters.

    Also, an additional advantage to the Mateba and Rhino is that with the lower postioning of the barrel, the recoil pushes backwards more than up so there's less "perceived" recoil with the minimal muzzle-rise.

    If you would like to learn more about the Grease Gun and its interesting safety mechanism (14:37), I would recommend checking out Brandon Herrera's recent video on it.

  5. I know nothing about guns, but I like the gun rants. I feel like Zach is good at explaining it to people who know nothing about guns, probably dealt with a lot of simpletons at the gun store and got real good at dumbing it down for people.

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