Most Crazy Monster Flash Flood Caught On Camera 2023

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Most Crazy Monster Flash Flood Caught On Camera (2023) – When Mother Nature Got Angry.
Floods are made more likely by the more extreme weather patterns caused by long-term global climate change. Change in land cover—such as removal of vegetation—and climate change increase flood risk.
Extreme floods can be triggered by intense precipitation, longer duration, close repetition of precipitations or a combination of these.
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About the Author: NA Weather


  1. Super, to moc rád vidím, hlavně když se to děje v tý odporný USA
    Děkuji ti přírodo, děkuji moc a příště ty primitivní idioty, spláchni komplet.

  2. FakeNews!! es gibt keinen "menschgemachten Klimawandel" , das Klima ändert sich seit es die Erde gibt. nur die Verscmutzung ist vom Menschen gemacht

  3. sure is a lot of video from the Tsunami that hit Japan caused by an UNDERSEA EARTHQUAKE. Climate change has nothing to do with most of what is pictured here

  4. 0:53 NOT a flash flood, this is a tsunami, two completely different things. A flash flood is when there is an enormous downpour upstream on a river, and the water rises rapidly, like the first scene, a tsunami is a wave in an ocean. And 3:09 a hale storm? and a dust devil? COME ON, please stick to the subject!.

  5. Não acredito que esses desastres possam ser creditados apenas às alterações climáticas, muitos dessas catástrofes aconteceram, não por queima de combustível fóssil, mas pela alteração no ambiente, com impermeabilização do solo, desvio de rios, destruição de florestas…..

  6. Call me crazy, but there was more than one flash flood here. Some would also say that it appeared wet in all the videos.

  7. Burning fossil fuels had nothing to do with this, scare tactics from the UN. The planet has been getting warmer for 10 thousand years.

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