5 BRUTAL KALI HAND STRIKES That WIN STREET FIGHTS Every time! Filipino Martial Arts

5 BRUTAL KALI HAND STRIKES That WIN STREET FIGHTS Every time! Filipino Martial Arts
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About the Author: Kali Center


  1. You better becareful about coming upto the nose you could push the nose into the brain and kill the person.

  2. As you mentioned, the only one I would have reservations about is the punch. Solar plexus, liver, kidney, all good for the punch.

    Never to the head. I would use hammer fists, palm strikes, elbows or hacks.

  3. Excuse kali center n hi I got a question n probably more if it's OK of course 🙂 how movements of hand to hand in arnis n kali is there n also I'm considering taking up both arnis n kali n I hope am doing the right thing n i wonder I start well small n work up maybe n ya how to improve my balance while in mid practice

  4. if you palm someone in the front of the face be prepared for their teeth to break into your hand, possibly cutting your tendons and or giving you a nasty infection to boot.

  5. Hey Paul I like your street defense hey its Travis k hunt aka travdar the barbarian and I'm checking out street defense show
    I think your hand combat is awesome well
    When you get this note write to me back soon I can't wait for your reply keep being cool kali martial arts forever

  6. If you haven't already, I'd highly recommend you spend a lot of time getting ring time with clean western boxing, and modern muay thai. After a ton of time in sparring, start applying some of the kali. You will like it a lot. Then again, maybe you've already done this. Best!

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