35 Hero Animals that Saved Human Lives !

35 Hero Animals That Saved Human Lives !
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35 Hero Animals That Saved Human Lives!

Enjoy these moments of animals saving people from harm, danger, or worse! Animals are always loyal and will do anything to defend their owner! Featuring Animal HEROES Protecting Their Owners.


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About the Author: Binge Central


  1. У моей подруги был огромный ротвейлер. С ним нельзя было ходить на пляж. Он всех детей примерно до 7-8 лет вытаскивал из воды. Ничего не помогало. Все дети должны были быть на берегу😂

  2. You need to do your homework on your information contained in your video, first, the dog that attacked the boy was not a stray but belonged to a neighbor and the guy almost attacked and was saved by a tiger, it was actually a jaguar and not a cheetah.

  3. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him shall not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16 KJV, Jesus Christ is the only way…..

  4. The little boy on his plastic scooter/bike The dog is not a stray. It belongs to the neighbor and his cat saw the dog and came to fight the dog. That cat saved his boy from being ripped up. That child had a lot of stitches put in and the cat received a prestigious medal from the state for saving his boy.


  6. Is there any chance we can see new content instead of the same old same old that's done the rounds a thousand times over, some years ago but still get shown. Is there any originality left?

  7. I have a Doberman and a Vizsla and they both are very big dogs. Whenever I’m going to the door to answer it or grabbing a package, my Doberman, Izzy will bark😂, but it’s to make sure I’m safe just in case their is a burglar or a kidnapper. Both my dogs have ferocious growls and snarls and barks that will make sure that kidnappers/burglars away. My Doberman is almost a year old in dog years and 7 months in human years. We adopted her July 3rd of 2022 and she was so tiny. I used to have a chihuahua and Izzy was about an inch taller than him. Now Izzy is almost at my waist. We haven’t clipped her ears because she looks cuter and her ears stand up anyway 😅. I’m just glad I have dogs that are willing to protect me.

  8. Makes me so incredibly happy when I see dogs at their very best ~~ granted a couple of pooches in these clips were out of line, however, the majority of these puppers came through when they were needed. Don’t ever tell me dogs aren’t smart …. smarter and more loyal than most humans ! 💕💕💕🐾🐾🐾🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺xoxox

  9. من يقوم بمساعدة الأخرين يتميز عن غيره بأن لديه قلب حنون وطيب وإنسانية كبيرة ولا تقتصر المساعدة للإنسان فقط فقد يساعد الشخص حيوان كأن يقوم بإطعامه أو تقديم الشراب له والدفء في فصل الشتاء البارد.

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