poor cat was thrown in trash when she didn’t get sold for a fair price! She was heartbroken!

poor cat was thrown in trash when she didn’t get sold for a fair price! She was heartbroken!
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Guys, we were out to search for any needy case at a pet market in our city. So many of the adorable souls were there to be traded for some money! While we were walking past the place, our eyes caught the attention of a white-colored cat. We were so surprised to see a pet cat near a pile of trash! It was such a depressing sight for us! We approached the poor cat and found out that her eyes were so dirty and seemed to be infected! There were some feral cats around but such cats are used to being in these environments. This white cat needed our help the most; she seemed to be abandoned not a long time ago! It seemed as if her owner mistreated her so badly that she wasn’t ready to trust anyone! It was so heartbreaking to see her in a miserable condition, and we knew we had to hurry to the hospital for her urgent treatment! Watch the complete video to know if we were able to make Willow trust humans again! Did she become healthy again?
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At Animal’s Cottage – Rescue Center, we rescue animals, mostly cats, that are abandoned or unadoptable. We try our best to provide an opportunity to these little souls to live their life to the best. We are a non-profit organization taking care of these animals. Become a part of our mission by making a donation for the food, shelter, medicines and care of these little souls.

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#kitten #lost #rescue #poor #cold #catfeeding #miracle #saved #surviving #facedeath#beautifulcat #death #suffer #alone #cutecat #winter #lostcat #catcry #rescuecat#rescuekitten #catrescue #cats #kittens #ThrownAway #Leave #catworld #baby #paw #rescueabandonedkitten #alone #dontleave #me#treat#happykitten #family #home#vet #treatment #cuteness


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  1. I just want to know where this happened & why so many hoomans r so callous.They deserve the same treatment.Unfortunatly,most never get that justified punishment.Have they no heart at all?!

  2. Please put netting on that wall with the open railing — you are very high above the street and the cats can fall over the wall and will not survive the fall.

  3. Thank you for saving this beautiful precious little kitten 💞❤💞Please provide a kind loving forever home for this precious beautiful kitty cat ❤💞❤May Yeshua HaMashiach bless your kind loving compassionate hearts always ❤💞❤

  4. People are evil! How in the world can a human being be so cruel to such an innocent and harmless animal, amazes the bejesus out of me!


  6. From the surroundings, it is obvious that the general human population of this country are over breeders and vile animal haters

    The human population of this country needs to have drastic culling and strict population control on itself implemented immediately.

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