POLICE SHOOT MAN WITH A KNIFE: Province's SIU called in to investigate

POLICE SHOOT MAN WITH A KNIFE: Province's SIU called in to investigate
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The Special Investigations Unit was called in Monday morning after altercation, in west-end Toronto, between a man in a parkette and another man. Police were called and were confronted by the man wielding the knife. They tried to subdue him using Tasers, but he was finally shot a third responding officer.


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About the Author: Toronto Sun


  1. Why investigate. Oh right , make sure the criminals are all right. Nothing like picking on the police. Burocrats in charge . What colour , don,t know.😂

  2. Hey "The Sun", "Police shoot man with a knife" literally means the police shot a man using knives, as in the police were holding knives with which they shot a man. The correct English is "Police shoot man holding a knife". That's ok though I wouldn't expect a joke tabloid of a newspaper like the Sun to get something like English right.

  3. Well At Least our King has made Cocaine legal in Canada!!!! Way to go Turdo!!! Best idea yet!!! When will we be buying heroin at the corner store?

  4. This shouldn’t even be a story and since it is it should be called ‘look black people, white people get shot all the time too but we don’t riot’. Buh bye

  5. Illegal to use a weapon to defend yourself in Canada, a men was charged with murder for shooting and killing a men breaking into his house and pointing a gun at him. COPS: Shoot and kill men with a knife, go figure!

  6. Aye thete was with a knife and the cops want to be like usa cops ..so they shot him lol ..they got their chance to shoot ..thats what i got from this

  7. The person who wrote the headline needs to go back to school. Police shoots man with a knife? Really, lol. I’d like to see that knife. How about “A man wielding a knife was shot by police.

  8. I didn't realize that the police now have knife guns.

    Always post C – elementary school level English headlines, Toronto Sun. How else would everyone understand what you try to talk about.

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