Unbelievable footage Italy | natural disasters caught on camera | Mother Nature Angry

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Gusts of wind were also recorded near , due to which the railways were suspended. A strong thunderstorm injured another dozen due to falling trees and collapsed roofs. That same storm produced wind gusts in excess of 130 miles per hour, leaving 45,000 households without power.

A prolonged heatwave in parts of northern and western Europe has ended with torrential downpours and thunderstorms this week.
In some parts, 50-65 mm of rain fell in a few hours, due to which the airport delayed and canceled dozens of flights.

Torrential rains, combined with dry soil from an unrelenting have led to significant flash flooding in these regions. Such large cities have experienced serious disruptions in the transport infrastructure, streets are flooded with water, and metro stations are closed.

The rough sea in front of Ponza, the ferry that connects the island with Formia, is at the mercy of the waves. The ship bound for Formia left an hour late today. In the late afternoon he was still on his way, leaving Ponza at 3:30 pm. Arrival is expected around 20.45 in Formia.

Torrential rain that fell late in the evening caused rivers and streams to overflow and flood coastal towns around the regional capital of Ancona.
About 400 mm of precipitation was recorded in just a few hours – half a year’s worth.
Rescuers are still searching for four others, including a child who was separated when the river overflowed its banks.
“It was like an earthquake.” said the local mayor
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