Dolphins React to Bizarre Bubbles | Ocean Giants | BBC Earth

Dolphins React to Bizarre Bubbles | Ocean Giants | BBC Earth
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These wild dolphins have never seen bubbles like these before – how will these curious creatures react?


#BBCEarth #OceanGiants

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Ocean Giants, 2011
Dolphins and whales may appear to be totally alien to us. But with their mental ability, group communication and the discovery that dolphins have individual names, they are closer to us than we ever imagined. Ace underwater cameramen Doug Allan and Didier Noirot embark on a quest to film the most amazing stories of whales and dolphins across the ocean world. They uncover new insights into the lives of these extraordinary animals that will redefine how we see them forever.

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  1. Post earth.
    Monetary literature media edit correction:
    Lady Virtue rather than Woma'am Liberty.
    Chieftess Wilma Mankiller.
    Indigenous not Indian.
    Womam not woman.
    Label of voodoo chip removed for azimuth people that didn't get a double walled water igloo for protection. Especially since the planet is wrong using them with Scientology abuse with by subliminal messages in the movies made.
    #Male Fema'am Malf Female Nonbinary

  2. Dolphins blow these types of rings themselves for entertainment . 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’m sure they’re more curious of the machine, not the bubbles. The bubbles they’re playing with.

  3. Since they intuitively used their voices while playing with the weird new thing, maybe voice control could be included in their next toy?

    Have some of their frequencies make it do one thing, others make it do another thing. See if they try to use it.

  4. Search YT for "Toroidal Vortexes" and you'll see that Dolphines makes them! Very wrong information. Something dolhpines won't ever have seen before hahahaha makes me laugh very Loud!

  5. Are these dolphins really wild animals? I saw a net in the beginning and the first clip of the dolphin waiting at the water bridge makes me doubting it

  6. I've seen this demonstrated in Eilat, Israel. Then gave it a try myself, it worked, the dolphins were swimming through the rings. So cool.

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