Top 10 SCARIEST GHOST Videos of the MONTH

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Nukes Top 10 SCARY videos of GHOSTS and CREEPY things ! I’ve been gone for a minute, but I now present to you the BEST of scary ghosts, creepy apparitions, poltergeists, Japanese ghost videos, SCARY tiktok videos, AND ghost hunters investigating HAUNTED houses. Covering the full list of ALL sorts of paranormal activity. There are evps, poltergeists, and everything bizarre and supernatural. These are, without a doubt, the creepiest scary videos on the internet, from the last month.

So, in this week’s video! Japanese ghost hunters uncover a strange ghost video sent in by a viewer. Popular channel Ghostech Paranormal investigations capture evp s and actually film an unexplained ghostly FACE on camera during a paranormal investigation . An elemental spirit in the Philippines. A ghost in a haunted house, and one on some train tracks(possibly). A biker riding a trail in the scary woods of Mexico captures what many viewers believe to be the spirit of La Llarona. Then there is a ghost in an abandoned building, a haunted house, and much more… JUST WATCH IT! 😉

If you enjoyed this video, you should also check out these other Nukes Top 5 parnormal video lists TOP 20 SCARIEST Ghost Videos of the YEAR !
And also!
Top 10 SCARIEST Ghost Videos of the YEAR !

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  1. There's no such thing as spirits or ghosts these black entities are demons or jinns. man these ghost hunters are dumb to think someone's spirit would be lurking in that house even tho it's a demon.

  2. Yes it’s a hoax when they don’t show you the whole room/scan the camera around!! In at least in 3 of the videos, the cameraman chooses to not film half the scene ffs

  3. I remember one time when me and 2 of my friends were out playing football in the afternoon, around 5 – 6 o'clock. When I suddenly heard a very loud scream coming from the woods next to the football field. Me and one of my friends went over to a gate connecting a small wooden bridge in to the forest when the scream suddenly got louder and louder until I heard someone walking on dried leaves (this was in late fall) and we just closed and locked the gate and made a run for it. Now, what is interesting. This ''scream/yelling'' did not resemble that of any human och animal, sounded more like a giant creature in the forest that was very mad.

  4. Police:. Police, if anyone is here let yourself be known

    Voice 1: You'll never take me alive cop

    Voice 2: Jokes on them we're already dead

    Police: Dispatch, there appears to be nothing here GTFO's

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